Prostate of Dorian Gray

Honestly I am kind of relieved to hear this. Both the (not so) little man and I left The Last Jedi scratching our heads; but when I went hunting for places to talk about the movie they were always toxic environments. I will apparently never care about anything as much as some of these people cared about a movie. They

If I walk into my kitchen and there are three people standing there, I am reasonably allowed to ask who they are and what they’re doing here. “I live here” is a valid argument in a situation like that. Otherwise, just like I tell the dogs every single time, you can’t bark at people just because they’re using the

I will do the first month on probation.  You won't even have to pay me until week 5.  

It's certainly distracted from his mysteriously resolved gambling debts.  

First of all, unfair to Milhouse. He shouldn’t be dragged into this.

This is good Kinja!  

Have PTSD.  Can confirm.  I always have to very "in control" of my emotions when picking at those scabs or I am demolished for days.  

“But but but the Duke rape case!”

“Accusations are still not evidence and when he’s voted in later this week its going to be a big fat middle finger to feminism and the metoo bullshit”

The Great Loyalty Oath Crusade for a new generation.  Joseph Heller must be rolling over in his grave.  

What do you have against using commas?

Now playing

And now I’m just deep in the rabbit hole.

Now playing

I don’t know if these guys count because “Throw ya guns” was pretty good too, but Onyx with “Slam” makes me want to run through a wall 25 years later.

It does sound like a knock-off adult swim cartoon that would have a strong marketing presence.

Here’s a tip from your Uncle Prostate, kids. The more sentences you jam into your apology, the less sincere it sounds to the people it’s directed towards.  


Toxic masculinity will be humanity's undoing.

Jesus H. Tap-dancing Christ!  How is this even real?! 

He was wasted in that movie. When he showed up, I was all excited, but then they just had him do an Abed impression and explain things to other NASA scientists that should have already understood what he was talking about.