You have to commit fraud on a scale large enough to crash the entire economy to avoid prosecution. She went too small.
So that's one down and the entire rest of the corrupt BPD to go.
There were 8 people that accused Franken. Let's not ignore the MeToo reality just because the guy was a Democrat.
Please be careful.
And yet those are the same folks that have very strong opinions about the NFL and honoring the flag.
Oh wow! That one really slipped right past me on the first reading.
News comes from panel shows on cable with 4 people yelling at a time. Nuance and inside voices have no place.
YEET! (I don’t know what it means, but I’ve heard it a bunch.) Beep beep, I’m a sheep. What’s 9 + 10? 21!!! I have the high ground!
Maybe they should pick people that have actually been around kids to do this stuff? Obnoxious is an 11 year olds default setting and you have to work around it for a little bit to earn their respect.
GOP: We don’t have a gun problem in this country, we have a mental health problem.
There’s been an influx of new trolls. Everyone check a person’s comment history before letting someone out of the greys.
See that’s on me. I should have recognized you for the Russian bot you are. Sow discord elsewhere Ivan.
I’m weary of the “pox on both your houses” nonsense. It’s reductionist at best. Obviously the Democrats have been dragged farther and farther right as an attempt to be Republican Lite. It’s disappointing and I would love to see the Dems become the party of the poor, women, and minorities again. However, we are not…
I don’t even agree with all my own policies.
Honest to God. Like can we pull democracy back from the brink and get some grown ups in charge again before we worry about start arguing about the furniture?
I believe this is where the youth would tell you “you played yourself.”
So that’s half of what needs to happen. Filing charges against an adult firing a taser into a kid is hopefully the next step.