He's thinking it's Ocean's 8(th grade) out here.
He's thinking it's Ocean's 8(th grade) out here.
Fuck this dude. He is not worth your time.
I had actually forgotten Katrina Pierson existed. That feels like 10 years ago. I really need to start smoking weed again.
Its a good money maker for the candidates. That's gotta count for something, right?
Sophomore year is an exciting time. Nihilism doesn't work for grown ups though.
Just pushing her brand? I really hoped that her audience had been Robert Mueller.
All because she ignored him. That’s what what kids that age do. It’s built into 6th grader DNA and he tazed her for it.
It is the most potent weapon in the 11 year old arsenal. I usually just slink away and take the trash out myself.
Is there anything NPR can’t answer? Thanks!
Do you live somewhere that you can buy them or is it still a black market thing or is online shopping a realistic option? I quit about 4 months back just to give my lungs a break (even with a vaporizer, my lungs have a lot of miles). However, I am missing the benefits for PTSD that cannabis brings so I just wonder…
As a former West Virginian, we drink A&W, not just some random sarsaparilla.
The greys are going to be interesting on this one.
You and the chicken should at least take a Gatorade break.
You’re not asking this in good faith at this point. You keep fucking this chicken, hollering “but why their family” as if the protesters threw Molotov cocktails into the wedding. You’ve been given an answer over and over and refuse to hear it. Monique laid the whole thing out above and here you sit, sodomizing that…
“It’s not just the cop’s life that got disrupted. Just like it wasn’t just Clark’s life.”
I wish I had seen your post first. I wouldn't have stood for that either.
If I have already paid the nice young man at the golden corral register, portion control is off the table. I probably have a nap planned for the afternoon already.
If I am getting into a fight at 45 (and probably accidentally becoming a viral video “Fat white dad knocks himself out”) it will only be something related to the munchkin.
I am and have been a regular Root commenter since they arrived here. I am a middle aged white guy, and I most of the other regulars know this. I am not met with any sort of hatred at all. When something gets written over there that gets a reaction in me (pretty rare these days) I don’t yell at everyone complaining…
The GOP has done an amazing job of convincing people that the money spent on education is a waste. As if having an entire school full of students brought up to speed on reading and math, year after year, will in no way benefit the entire city of Akron and is just a pointless boondoggle.