You seem to be very concerned with black people littering and parking in handicap spots.
You seem to be very concerned with black people littering and parking in handicap spots.
So dude can just decide he’s the handicap parking enforcer and everyone has to listen?
Dude, you've been posting here on the Root for a while. Have you missed the point of everything else you read here? The Washington Post was talking about how the shooter uas a history of this kind of behavior; self-appointed parking monitor brandishing a gun specifically. You see someone giving your family shit and…
It amazes me that the right acts like we're trying to silence Jack Kemp or George Will or folks like that. We're well past a "butter or guns" situation here.
How much more does that woman have to give to this country? I think 8 years of being called an ape and having her gender questioned for simply trying to put healthy food in kids is enough.
They're terrible at finishing drywall, I can't get them to use framing hammers, and don't even get me started on what they do when I use the laser level.
I don't see anything blaming Hillary or Obama for this scourge of too far away door holding. Grab a Snickers buddy.
I do not advocate violence under most circumstances. HOWEVER, I will believe for the rest of my life you have the right to beat the shit out of anyone who spits on you. It’s happened to once in my life and things went sideways for that young man quickly.
I know it's just a typo, but pugs making an arrest would be adorable.
I watched that entire press conference last night. It was excruciating. Nice to see the press corps appears to have had enough of this shit.
You can’t make me go back there! The first 25 years was enough.
It's vital to ignore what centuries of colonialism did to African nations to arrive at your dumbass conclusion. Go away.
Since the Russian lady got popped earlier this week for funneling money through the NRA, I have had a slight feeling of relief that we might all live through this. I’m hanging on to that feeling for dear life.
You need to take a break from Splinter for your own sanity. Those people are nuts.
Possibly America's Last president.
Don’t play ball with people that have never owned a cassette tape.
A guy I work with, who is the same age as me (45), plays with a weekly group, but they still take it seriously. He showed up with a massive shiner last month because there are 22 year olds in his group throwing elbows and going full tilt. That's just not fun anymore.
Look, if everyone in this country could afford to live on just one job and go to the doctor and know their kids would be well educated no matter what school they attended, the terrorists win or something?
“That is if they’re not calling in sick or have an emergency “doctor’s appointment.””
My inner 10 years olds dream job. I could have even provided my own throwing stars. Surely the all the top ninjas buy their equipment for 3 bucks a piece at the county fair.