Prostate of Dorian Gray

Yes!  I don't make the list.  The middle aged guy who just wants to have fun and not blow his Achilles out.  

They legislated that kind of stuff out of the game mostly.  It's like 25K now to swing on someone, which is a shame because some people need punched.  

Even for you, this is a reach.  

I was very skeptical about EMDR. Did some of it to help with a few “sticking points” during talk therapy and was pretty surprised.  For me personally, I still prefer the talk therapy but it's good to know there are options.  

Platonic ideal dude.  

I don’t like to perpetuate false notions of masculinity, but dang dude, be a man about this.  If it was that hard a pick, throw a punch or cuss or something that isn't being a total baby.  Where's your pride?  

It is nice to know that 3 plus years of screaming "look at what's happening!" is being vindicated.  I feel less like a character in a Vonnegut novel today.

It would be nice to think that they would go to one of the last bastions of real news. No shouting panel shows or disingenuous questions, just in depth reporting.

You were the one that posted something about NRA money laundering back around January.  I have had my radar up for it since then.  

I wouldn’t gloat if my opinion put me in the same camp with Ritchie Incognito.

Let's hope you're not in charge then.  The fourth estate is kind of important.  Maybe just reinstitute the Fairness Doctrine.  

Nah.  He can condescend under any kind of regime.  He'll be fine.  

That the video was released without sound is totally not shady at all but; probably just an oversight. Chicago PD are always upstanding and straightforward. This fellow should have just complied with lawful orders like Philandro Castille, Terrence Crutcher, Tamir Rice....

Everyone sending me a link and calling me an asshole for not watching a video of someone dying, eat my butt.  

The AP reports that police say that a weapon was recovered at the scene but did not say where it was found or whether or not it was on the man killed by police”

This is the shitty little kingdom his career has become. Do you think Hamilton dreamed of this? Of course not. He feels he is the heir to the David Brooks throne.  

Harvin Marrison?  Never heard of him.   

Our dipshit in Chief is destabilizing NATO and buddying up to Putin. Where does that factor into your critical thinking?  Stop getting your news from tv shows that shout at each other.  

This place isn’t going to die until everyone on the “Shitty Media Men” list gets a chance to fuck things up in an expensive and public way.  

Facial tattoos.  That's all I need to know.