Prostate of Dorian Gray

Hey Disney! Can you just give us whatever you’ve got finished for Avengers 4 please? May 2019 doesn’t feel like a certainty at this time.

It’s so corrupt an ExxonMobil CEO is calling shenanigans on the grifting. How stupid are we gonna look to our grand and great grandkids when they’re grown and cleaning up this mess?

Were you not paying attention to #MeToo? Of course women run background checks on guys before dates.

I hope Ayton can survive the pay cut.

“The driver also claimed that he often carried thousands of dollars and a gun in the lunchbox, neither of which was found inside the lunchbox.”

I can’t even keep track of all their lies.

My comment and reply seem to have been deleted. I guess a hit dog DOES holler huh, Albert?

It’s certainly reductive. I’m sure everything in the story is true and it appears to be well researched. But callous and gross, really? I would save that for something like sexual harassers.

That’s all fair. I do think, as Normcore pointed out, dumping Griffin right at the start of all this stuff didn’t do them any favors either.

I always forget, in my attempt to be granted permission to make jokes about sports, that I am simply participating in a slap fight between sports blogs. I really miss KSK.

The rush to trade Kyrie was ridiculous. Yes he wanted out, but it was the middle of the summer. Take your time and get a much better deal from someone else.

Folks I don’t disagree that we are trapped in some sort of Kurt Vonnegut novel with this shit show administration, but this “popular vote” thing is starting to wear thin. The finish line is the electoral college, not the popular vote.

““The reality of it is they were in a fight with this gentleman,” Lopinto said.”

And now I’m sitting here crying. You and Panama have both gotten me inside of a week.

I got kneed in the butthole once playing pick-up; they were trying for the rare nut shot from the rear when I had them boxed out. There was fighting very quickly afterwards.

“That’s not what this country is based on. We are based on the rule of law, and we believe in bringing the best people into this country to make it even better.”

So are they.

By your description, it’s the fault of the women. Shocking that someone saying “the friend zone is real” would absolve themselves of responsibility in the matter.

I don’t take a lunch break at work anymore. If I stop for that long, my back tightens up too much to get moving again.

America is a terrorist state. If you negotiate with a gun on the table, you’re a terrorist state.