Well regulated militia
Well regulated militia
I wonder how many other African American men in Seattle got cussed out in the exact same manner today just because she can’t tell any of them apart.
Pimps don’t give their ho’s a choice whether they want to walk the track or not. Make that money trick.
“Undercover Boss” is always a fascinating concept to me. The rank and file has to know what’s up. If you drop a doughy, late 50's white guy with no callouses, no clue how to do actual work and followed by a camera crew into my job, my radar is going off.
“Stop pointing out how stupid and shady our business is!”
Troglodyte is such a rich word; I love mental image it conjures.
It’s everyone else’s fault you can’t dunk?
I made it to 1:59. Still didn’t see Weird Al and am very confused as to what I have just watched.
That’s all on you.
I have never understood folks that have an apocalypse survival plan. It’s not going to happen like Walking Dead or something where you find your family and friends all safe and alive. Everyone you know will be dead and you’re reduced to scavenging. Nope.
“Explain it to me, but don’t use historical context, statistical evidence, or anything that would make me feel bad.”
When I see two or three sentences of buttering up followed by a “but” and 11 column inches of writing, I know it’s going to be a rough ride.
It was very telling that Danielle responded to Hachi’s concerns rather quickly in the comments, while there was silence from the other writer. And having seen the way many of the ladies of the Root have been treated by the Jezebel folks, intersectionality doesn’t seem like something they’re interested in.
His guest spots on Lebatard the past couple weeks have really hammered home that Bo is a unique voice and I miss hearing his perspectives.
I remember when they asked Myron Rolle how it felt to quit on his Florida State teammates because he graduated in three years, and then had the nerve to spend a year at Oxford on a Rhodes scholarship.
Seriously. The cop isn’t thinking “all this? Over walking through an empty parking lot?”
Going by our commentariat last week, dead on arrival.
That cat is awesome. Why can’t you be more like this kitty, Oscar?!
You and Purple Man.
I am picking the Super Soldier Serum, especially if I get the physics defying shield that comes with it, every time.