Prostate of Dorian Gray

Isn’t her own mother one of the people who said Trump is kinda rapey?

If the Infinity War movies play out the same way the Infinity arc played out in the comics, we will be seeing lots more of Wakanda.

If I can get my own Ankylosaurus though.....

I love history and reading. So many times I have wondered what was going through the minds of ordinary people when their political leaders descended into demagogues.

You also don’t have to worry about quartering soldiers in your home, so that’s useful. Perhaps we could look at things relevant to now instead of treating the Constitution like an infallible holy document?

Main food source is more accurate.

Oh my God! Grimace IS a butt plug!!!! Mind. Blown.

The one they show with Zaza going after Hasleem made me shake my head. Those are not the kind of problems you want. UD is the captain of the Stay Ready All-Stars.

I was in too deep when I realized that, as you can see. Thanks for the heads up though. I will pay better attention in the future. Usually I check their comment history before engaging.

“How much of a difference is there between Deadspin and ESPN”

Nobody likes him in prison. He’s just paying protection to the right guys. You could still take him Chris.

I gotta remember to start putting a winky face after stuff.

How do you collect your data? Is there any cost of living factored in based in location? Does this take in only salary, or is there a value assigned to benefits too (milage reimbursement for example)? Is there anything looking now at graduates from 10 or 20 years prior since entry level salaries can be crap in some

I know this isn’t super helpful; you just kinda get a feel for it after awhile.

Because it’s a medical exam?

Agreed. If someone wants to sit in a freezing cold pond and wait for ducks to fly over, go right ahead. (Same thing for deer, elk, wildebeests, dragons, etc.) If you need to shoot a cougar that’s going to attack your dog, fire away. Want to spend an afternoon blasting clay pigeons with your dad, have a great time.

Once in my early 30's, there was a shoot out in the parking lot of my apartment complex as I was walking to my car. My only thought was “I wish my Altima had a higher ground clearance” because I was trying to get under that thing. That and “OHSHITOHSHITOHSHITOSHIT!”

I may be slightly bitter and some of my anger is misplaced towards NEDD. I am working in my 12th, and God willing last, year at a land grant university. The prevailing elitist attitude is going to drive me to murder if I don’t get away from these people. The “bootstraps” world view is strong with the advanced degree

What you should have done is never leave college, pursue graduate degrees, get in good with the department, land in a taylor-made cushy spot in that department, then lecture everyone about what employers are looking for.

What could we really learn from an in-depth examination of history anyway?