Prostate of Dorian Gray

Don’t you make a living in academia?

The Kings got close to 60 points from their bench. No wonder it was close.

You eat too much Bojangles!

You are not alone in that problem.

Is this where I call you a “cuck”? I am not good at this type of crazy. 😂🤣

There are many folks who seem to think Die Hard was a documentary.

I believe you meant THEY’RE! 🤣😂

For someone that makes so much money, you would think she could buy a working keyboard.

James Joyce is pretentious crap. Finnegan’s Wake is fart sniffing bullshit.

“Jet fuel can’t melt steel beams! Obama was a socialist, fascist, Muslim, Kenyan communist plant! Killary murdered Vince Foster to cover up Benghazi! Pizza shop sex ring! You’re the real racist!”


Now I feel silly just drinking chocolate milk out here for myself.

These dang new white supremacists have no respect for tradition if Limbaugh can’t crack the top 15.

You WILL love them.

When asked if she had any retort for Steve Kerr’s comments, Laura Ingraham replied “Is he white? Then I got nothing.”

What kind of extraction team would it even take? What’s the opposite of the fox News cult? Books?

Definitely a dubious distinction.

“Act like you’ve been there”

We could fund try having more than 5000 people working at the ATF in a country that has 300 million guns.