Prostate of Dorian Gray

I don’t work for Variety. The details are irrelevant to me, especially 8 or 10 or whatever years later.

This inauguration fund is going to be entertaining as shit when it all comes unravelled.

The National Review has devolved into Brietbart for people who don’t need to move their lips when they read.

I’m just playing. Don’t worry about that. The comments have been loads of fun on here today, even with the proliferation of stupidity in the greys.

For me personally, because I write it differently every time I spell it.

Oh that guy. What an ass.

I think you mean....the Disc.

The comments are generating a month’s worth of mailbags.

He’s just talking about Shaft!

I liked it until the third act. The bad guy was lame.

We have a lot of AMC theaters around here and they do it. I love it except for the first time I encountered it and we had to get seats apart from each other.

You could always go digital, unless you’re into the ritual of bagging and boarding (no just btw). I really enjoyed the Marvel Comics app when I was still buying a few years ago. The only thing that bugged me was the lack of a price break. Print and digital cost the same, or they did at the time.

See now that is reckless. I bought mine a week ago and was still scrambling to find two seats together that weren’t in the very front row.

Who are we flagging now? I am home with a back injury and have nothing but time today.

I don’t want to see Donald get sucked into any of the mess that is the DC movie franchise. Yes he would be a great Nightwing though.

Seeing how shitty those movies turned out, I am glad they didn’t give him the Emo Spider-Man gig. Everyone would have blamed him and not the terrible writing, CGI, and plot lines.

The “silver lining” of being a dish dog, is knowing that you are able to get off the tank and move to the hotline when you show yourself to be a hard worker. Virtually every cat I have ever worked with in the BOH started on the dish tank. If there’s no room to move up, how is this guy supposed to hire, train, and keep

I almost feel bad for my melanin challenged brethren made insecure by this movie (or the Luke Cage show). I have been a Marvel Comics guy since 1979. These movies have exceeded my wildest imagination. I wouldn’t miss them for anything. If your sense of self is shaken because for once, we are not the dominant race on

I am really glad you liked it though. That bodes well for me. You and I seem to be on the same wavelength when it comes to these kinds of flicks. Plus I got mobile Kinja’d and that no spoilers was supposed to be for Something Brewing.

That was a typo. Donald was up for Spider-Man during the last round of reboots (the Andrew Garfield ones).