No spoilers! The boy and I are going at 10 a.m. tomorrow.
No spoilers! The boy and I are going at 10 a.m. tomorrow.
We had to get 10 a.m. tickets on Saturday just to find two seats together. If you’re trying to see it this weekend, you might be stuck in the front row.
If you’re selling that headline as a bumper sticker, let me know where to buy.
Presumably the fix would depend on more than what you could solder together in your basement.
We’re all carrying around magic boxes in our pockets that can access all the information in the world virtually anywhere; these didn’t exist 12 years ago. Are you really saying a bunch of smart people couldn’t figure out to come up with a workable solution here? We’re are communicating on a world wide system that…
The horse doesn’t deserve that.
Mike Tomlin is the guy the mean when they say “I have a black friend” indignantly.
BDP will always get a star from me.
“there must be something other than firearms themselves causing gun deaths.”
I am endlessly frustrated when folks get all “Comic Book Guy” about the minutiae of firearms. There are yet another round of families devastated in this country and knowing the word Armalite isn’t an accomplishment.
Oh just fuck off with this shit already. “How are we supposed to fix it? Oh you don’t know what laws would immediately fix a massive problem in our nation?! Well then there’s nothing to be done and dead kids is the price of a free society!”
It’s good that you’re being rational about this. Veering off into extremes would make your concern seem disingenuous.
“I mean geez it wasn’t even his own dick! Learn to take a joke.”
“How to stay calm and safe if someone shoots up your school” isn’t something I would have thought about explaining before the boy.
A couple weeks ago I asked the boy about his school day. “Oh it was fine. We did this in math, I ate lunch with so and so, we didn’t have music though because today was lockdown drill.”
If I take my glasses off, it looks like her. But if I take my glasses off, anyone could pass for Beyonce.
The only restaurant gig I had that ever paid well was in Las Vegas. There’s a restaurant workers union in that city though. Even an independent shop like the one I worked at had to stay competitive for skilled labor, so just the existence of a union forced people to pay.
You and Major Burn underestimate how low rent I am.
That’s an awfully fine hair to split.
Frozen Reese’s cups would make me get into a windowless van with a stranger today.