Prostate of Dorian Gray

So you just got fuck-all to do today and decided the best use of your time was to be a purposely obtuse dick on the Root?

If the Thunder grab Tony Allen off waivers, they’re right back in the mix.

Would you, if you were the best player in the world, let Dan Gilbert have any power over you whatsoever? Especially in light of that slave master letter he wrote when LeBron left the first time? Gilbert should count his blessings that James wanted to do this for the fans in Cleveland at all.

You are a wonderful significant other.

Every chance I get on Deadspin, I like to pointedly refer to college coaches as pimps. I remain permanently grey.

Are we talking about “On the Waterfront” Brando or “Apocalypse Now” Brando? That would make a huge difference.

They should have thrown on some Eagles gear. You can riot without repercussions then.

Because the rest of Gizmodo can’t handle the truth.

Just about everything Hamilton has written comes off as a kid who just finished their first year of college. NOW they know how the world really works and will tell you about it at length.

Splinter needs to do a lot of things.  Getting Hamilton Nolan to stop telling us all we’re morons would be good.

Michael Rappaport continues to be a fucking scumbag.

I am still concerned about the loss of Robeson. Better shooting help allowed him to be a more focused defender. Obviously we’ll see when the playoffs start, but a lockdown guy is important.

People protesting state sanctioned murder is a threat. A riot after a football game is apparently filed under “boys will be boys”. I am honestly surprised we haven’t seen video of a cop tousling someone’s hair and calling them a scamp after watching the “scamp” flip over a car.

When the MCU release a Great Lakes Avengers and Nextwave movies, the bubble might be close to bursting. I will also be ridiculously happy.

We’ll re-examine this on it’s 50th anniversary. The one percent has to reach their saturation point first.

Oh hon. You should’ve just stayed down.

Damnit just be patient. Reaganomics is going to start paying off soon.

They don’t always enjoy the back and forth. Day Drinking likes to delete comments when he gets dunked on too hard.

Alright stop what you’re doin’,

It’s the sickest I have ever been in my life. I hoped I would die. I lost probably 10 or 15 pounds.