Prostate of Dorian Gray

Good Lord it’s just entertainment. Relax.

I would love to see the back end of his career managed by a staff that won’t need him to play 45 minutes a game. Just unleash him at playoff time like they did with Duncan and Manu.

Just watching him do those lifts pinched the nerves in my low back again.

Well.....they hadn’t at the time. 😑

Seriously. He hasn’t shown any nuts in dealing with this over the years.

Keep fucking that chicken.

College Dropout and Late Registration will always be awesome.

There is also that. A caricature of an asshole still grates on you like a regular asshole in short order. I was much more an Xmas Ape guy. “Fun with Peter King” will always be missed.

+5 dead hookers for you

Poor Allison.

I have eaten one Peep in my life and it was disgusting. Like “re-exanime every life decision that lead up to eating the Peep” disgusting.

The problem with PFTCommenter, even back in the KSK days, was how mnay people didn’t get that he wasn’t serious. No satire can ever be out there enough to not have someone agree with it in earnest.

Darren Sharper, Christian Peters, Lawrence Philips.......

“I’ve seen Sarah Palin speak live ... twice.”

Nationalism devolving to jingoism is terrifying for good reason.

Pleased to see the comments aren’t devolving into crapping all over sex workers as a whole.

Not Enough Day Drinking is an expert in everything. It doesn’t matter what your qualifications or experience are, they know more than you. Cliff Clavin with an internet connection.

But it’s a very miniscule part of their job. I am more worried about what they’re doing the other 364 days in Washington.

It should come with a disclaimer.

Thank you of course. However I think at 44, I will stick with pert plus on a daily basis and not have white guy dreds.