Prostate of Dorian Gray

Kind of off topic, does anyone remember the New 52 Batwing series written by Judd Winnick? I don’t know how it was received by African Americans, but boy did it seem heavy handed to me. It’s a shame because it was a cool concept.

I got your post before. It was two sentences. You were poisoning the well. Repeating it doesn’t change that.

That’s the part that grosses me out. If I wanted dredlocks, I stop washing my hair indefinitely?! Eww!

Kardashians can’t read, let alone use a map.

He has long been a racist woman hater. Dude is nuts.

Education is the answer? Not stopping for profit prisons or overpolicing or civil forfeiture or any of that stuff? Your “I have black friends” and a platitude about “education” is all it’s gonna take to fix everything.

Being a douchebag is a crime punished by tasers on site? Judge Dredd isn’t a societal goal.


It’s not a good excuse, buuuuut you’ll make it anyway.

I am convinced that if the Lakers had a do over for the Phil Jackson/Jerry West power struggle, they’d keep Jerry West instead.

I was worried you’d had a stroke.

Is this the first time you’ve heard about this story?

That she could reach in her closet and pull that hat out should be grounds for granting power of attorney to someone responsible.

That’s a fine hair to split.

People shouting at each other on a panel show isn’t news. It’s pro wrestling with suits and graphs.


It’s no fun when they break kayfabe.

So it isn’t the content of their message but the tone you find offputting?

Our high school guidance counselor married one gal right after she graduated one year. He was about 35 at the time. 2 years later, he gets divorced and does it again with another newly graduated senior. And Hand to God, again two years after that. Every time you’d go to the guidance office, his door was shut and he

Everyone in this thread is in timeout. Myself included for laughing at all this.