Prostate of Dorian Gray

Janae Rice apologizes for her role in this event.

It’s happened over the years. There’s times where I just flat out suck at a random videogame. It has to be some weird mental block.

Tenchu: Stealth Assassins. I played the shit out of that series.

I loved that game.

I am ashamed to admit I got stymied by the underground worm boss thing as young Link and never finished the game.

Perfect dark multiplayer was great. Proximity weapons for maximum laughs.

It’s because John Wall did the Dougie.

This is solid Kinja.


NOW it’s important to hear from all voices. No other times though.

They also would like people to stop overpolicing them, incarcerating them with 3 times the sentence, and generally fucking with them. I’m sure immigration is the first thing they care about though.

It’s more of a horse starter kit?

You said something so dumb, Mr. Harriot decided to wade into the comments to address you directly. God damn! You may want to check back in tomorrow for the mailbag.

Why is apologizing so hard? Admitting weakness is a strength that leads to growth.

I must have missed something in the article. I thought it was about baseball, but based on your reaction it was clearly something crucially important.

I only wanted to hear you not talking.

Oh yeah. Bin Laden won. We’ve lost our collective mind.

This is terrible Kinja.

He’s a college coach. They’re just pimps. Why would you expect a pimp to stick up for the people getting stepped on.

He just wanted to remind everyone he’s part of “The Troops™” so he’s beyond reproach.