But I am better. :3
But I am better. :3
I'm a Texan. I consider myself a Southerner. Frankly, there's good reason to have serious issues with the South, Southerners, and especially the South's self-conceptualisation.
This entire "thought piece" appears to be one big concession that they've lost all hope of winning over the American public at large. While it is almost certainly true that "tens of millions" of people want what the Religious Right wants, it is also true that there are 400 million people in this country, and they also…
Really though? Because you know, all this Ronald Reagan worship seems kinda... oh I don't know... what's the word?
But that's what I'm saying, most extremists are pretty well educated and do not come from impoverished backgrounds.
Seeing as we've long since debunked the idea that a lack of education is what breeds extremism, how do you figure that sending books would end it? I agree that many countries could use more funding for education, but that's not going to solve the problem of religious extremism.
But it wasn't an actual case of racial discrimination, and she was overreacting. You said as much yourself. Yeah, it would have been nice if he had backed her up, but it would have been nicer if his attempt to smooth things over with the cop had worked and they hadn't gotten in trouble.
she acted like a spoiled little brat and threw the race card out, which is not ok. There are people who actually have been unfairly targeted by the police because they are black and this is not what happened to her. She fucked her boyfriend in broad daylight, in a car and someone called it in and she got caught. If…
Would you feel the same way about walking past a car where a guy was jerking off? Does his private world inside his car supersede your right not to be exposed to his masturbation? Or are you just being nosy?
DeMaio ran against Bob Filner for Mayor of San Diego...so, yeah. I wrote in Turd Sandwich, i'm sure i'm not the only San Diegoeaian that did that.
Ummm, so this article should technically be :
No, what I'm saying is that the "outsiders carry disease" thought process is not unusual to the West. Nor is it entirely irrational (ask any indigenous American population what they think about smallpox.) Humans are tribal by nature, and this is even evident in Africa as they deal with Ebola. Trying to make it into a…
I know it's easy to say, "Oh, the West is the worst," but these kinds of "outsiders carry disease" attitudes aren't unusual to the big bad West. Japanese even today believe that HIV is a "foreigner disease" even though the HIV infection rate in Japan is on the uptick among Japanese themselves. These problems are…
Billie Joe Armstrong proudly talks about his bisexuality, but he isn't necessarily someone I want representing me, for just so many reasons. Sorry, Connor Mertens, but a D-III kicker coming out as bi isn't exactly shaking the pillars of the Earth.
It's about someone breaking the law. If they don't press charges against him, other people will attempt it. If you know you won't get in trouble, you will be more likely to do it. I'm not saying that this will stop everyone (it certainly won't), but pressing charges against Afroduck and taking his car will make 99% of…
So, walking around town, randomly detonating grenades is fine, as long as no one gets hurt?
Mr. Adrofuck shouldn't get his license back.