
I actually love the qualifying format as it is now. It is the only motorsport where I religiously watch quali before the race. If a few tracks here and there have crappy showings, its not the end of the world. I love watching the final laps tick in and seeing everyone going all out at the line to see where they end

The right answer is unquestionably a used Lexus LS or GS. A few year old GS 350 AWD F Sport is pretty nice looking.

I mean, couldn’t *one* of you have given him a reasonable answer?  The only non-troll answer is the Acadia, and he literally said he had no use for an SUV.  I get that there’s a comedy element, but I thought there were supposed to be a few helpful suggestions?

“but dads have become a culturally acceptable target for gentle mockery and loving parody”

Oh yeah because games should only be for the hardcore people.

I think panels like these should just be hard-wired to an exhaust fan so that the car doesn’t get so hot in the sun. Might help preserve the interior bits as well.

Well, as a person who suffers from depression, bipolar, and anxiety, I don’t feel attacked. I like it, actually. It’s his best skin, maybe tied with the Talon epic skin. I don’t really see a reason to be upset. He’s a villain. They’re not saying all mentally ill people are like him. They have a host of villains who

Oh noooooo

This is a non issue. Hes an evil mad man and this costume does not represent the state of mental health in our world. All the characters in Overwatch are stereotypes. Except Winston and Hammond because im not sure how you stereotype a hamster and a gorilla.

the physics involved for that to be real is preposterous, For someone to be moving that fast on a machine that big they’d have to be whipping around at 200 mph or greater

Yeah, uh, that would quite obviously kill humans to ride.

At no point during that video did it even approach looking real beyond the 4 second mark (They did a decent job making the tower look shorter than it actually is, so I’ll give that to them I guess).

There’s no way I want someone to find my corpse in something like that.

Waiting in line for Everest? 

Feel like Rossi moved 1 lap too early there.

Well, I’m not allowed to use butter or oil (court order, long story short, never say, ‘yeah, I can defend myself on this parking ticket”), so you tell me what else I can use?

cold-calling various wealthy acquaintances to gossip and complain about other people from the golf club

“America, what do you think of your President’s execution?”

Yet more indisputable evidence that everyone who voted for this clown is either an idiot, an asshole, or both.  There is no other possibility.  

You’re really going out of your way here to spam comments with your anecdotes about reliability.