
Looks like the bone in the leg is pushed up enough to allow her heel to have a little extra room to move around. I think it’s just her skin kinda folded a bit.

Never thought my username would be relevant on Jalopnik, but I could use a van like this.

The syntax is pretty good. I’d say these would be in the top half of Craigslist ads for coherency.

And every time you hear an interview of a Trump supporter their response is “he’s a great business man so I trust him to know what he’s doing.” Everything they need know about him they learned from Robin Leach.

I don’t live in any of those places. If spring is longer in the Midwest I’m down for the big one.

As a former third owner of a Porsche Cayenne, this is a big ole CP. Lovely cars, but if the manual is the big draw here, buy a cheaper Cayenne and a nice manual Miata. That way you’ll have a car to drive while this one is in the shop.

I look forward to wishing I could make $1,000/mo payments on one of these.

Starred just for “The Intimidator”.

She has that nice malnourished figure, like most of her calories come from appletinis and Diet Coke.

Shouldn’t this be posted on ‘Truck NO!’ instead of ‘Truck YEAH!’?

Not only that, but the date seems to be painted over in the photos meaning they are likely several years old.

Yeah, this barely looks 8/10 for most of the video.

This was one of my favorite activities as a kid. Build Lego cars. Crash Lego cars. Rebuild Lego cars. I’m not sure why I ever stopped...

Hopefully this is just a poor marketing tactic and doesn’t color the whole series. I don’t watch these races hoping to see someone injured.

What’s wrong with a 24 hours sprint race? It’s pretty anti-climatic when the race is decided overnight because one of the teams has a mechanical problem that puts them out for good.

You know this is Jalopnik and not Motor Trend, right? Shitboxes are technically the bread and butter of this place.

The way she was encouraging him was disgusting. She’s practically got her hand on his knee letting him know she’s ready for third base. She not only respects his brilliant intellect, but he could have her any time.

Why wouldn’t JPM have a shot at a prototype ride? He’s got a few wins at Daytona and spent quite a bit of time in the DP class.

You must have missed the sarcasm his post was dripping with. Replace ‘thermal expansion’ with ‘global warming’.

Nah, keep being classy, Nico.