Promnight Dumpsterfire Baby

Trump is likely at his ceiling of support; it’s hard to tell since there are so few polls that give actual headcounts near the topline while they obsess over percentages. The only way he can win is if Johnson and Stein take an outsize share of left-leaning votes and the only way he can win without the

It would be seen as a courageous act of “non-political-correctness”. He would get praise from his supporters, Breitbart would talk about how he’s a free speech hero, and mainstream medias would do little to call him out.

I’m still mad we’ll never see biden vs. trump

A word of advice to The Donzi Scheme. One of the best bouncers I knew from my bartending days used to stress to never call anyone a faggot or queer even if they were before you fought because you will never live down being whupped by one, especially in your own fucked up mind if that’s what you go around calling

Seems like a reasonable thing to ask for. We need more Hamiltons.

Hamilton, people like you will never be happy until everyone has an equal opportunity to pursue the American dream, regardless or race, gender, national origin, sexual orientation or status of birth.

it’s rare that I see a California anything that doesn’t automatically include Avocado.

Particularly when your father is an asshole without peer.

“All stitched up and ready for Oxford,” he said.

Good. A poorly planned attack in which all victims who were unfortunately injured have already been released from the hospital and the bomber has been captured. I hope this will not be an issue that’s Trump can fearmonger about to his advantage going forward.

Yeah, it’s much harder to take unarmed teenagers alive if they’re, like, jaywalking or something but kudos to them for this one.

Please, we all know Hillary was the reason that stage collapsed. And, she was the one who stopped the reporters from accompanying the cameras through the hotel. When will she address this controversy? What is she hiding?

Agreed. They’re too self aware. There has to be a video somewhere of two drunk Bills fans taking turns smacking each other in the face with pepperonis for the love of stupidity, not in search of internet fame. That’s the stuff we need to see.

PLEASE let this an omen from the gods presaging the collapse of the Trump Campaign! I will totally stop being an atheist for this!

She not only doesn’t do computers and refuses to learn about them, but she is biased against pitbulls (as are many people.) She has said, over and over, that pitbulls are inherently dangerous and anyone who owns them is stupid and irresponsible, especially if they have children. I’ve seen her, in a case where two dogs

47 million a year. Let me type that again, for my own sake. 47 fucking million dollars a year. I need to go pay the minimum on my credit card bill.

You did not use the Gawker Style Guide on this, H. To wit:

I’ve got you beat Hamilton, in my case I saw a headline containing the words “David Brooks has written a” and “column” and knew immediately.

Back when I was convinced that this country would NEVER elect a loudmouth, stupid, clueless, stupid, racist, stupid, bloated, stupid, lying, stupid man, everything was fine.

I feel oppressed and with a sense of impending doom also.