
Even if you take kids out of the equation, most men still act like they can’t fend for themselves. I resist every relationship with a man who makes me feel like I need to “mother” him, i.e. nagging him to clean up or me just doing it, basic errands, etc. I can’t believe the expectations of some men once they’re in a

I shouldn’t even have to ask you to pick your clothes up off the floor and put your coffee mug in the dishwasher!

What that means is that your wife then has three, not two, children in her care.

“I didn’t have much experience of how to organize domesticity.”

....are you trying to say that’s a good thing? Because my comment was that it’s the opposite of that.

It’s so common. It took my husband like 10 years and repeated yelling by me to get him to understand that his “compliments” made me want to throw acid on him. I’m not “better” at being a parent, cooking, cleaning or whatever. I’m just doing it because he’s being a garbage human.

Can we all just agree not to remember each other's birthdays though?

Men convincing women that they are just too “inept” to care for the children they helped bring into the world is one of the oldest and most successful long-cons ever invented.

My husband’s insidious version of this is to come staggering out of the bedroom on a Sunday late morning and beaming at me as I am up to my elbows in dishes and mooning “Thank you sooooo much for letting me sleep in!” To which I hiss, “I did not let you do shit, motherfucker.”

How could I forget it. And I doubt these budding psychos give a hoot for a fetus. They’re just there for the slut shaming.

I graduated from a Catholic high school in 2011 and this kids reminds me so strongly of the little shits in my class who’d make provocative sexual comments at one of the girls in my class who moved here from Columbia.

In the late 8os I went to Catholic high school with kids exactly like these. The boys in the video are exactly like the boys I went to school with — entitled, racist, sexist, confrontational and general fucknuggets. They grew up to be these kids’ parents.

This is only one reason why I despise the Catholic church in

I’m just curious whether they spoke to the Noor they intended to speak to. If the interview questions related to her work, then they had the correct Noor. I’m picturing them reaching out on a place like Twitter or Instagram, where not every account has a visible last name. If you’ve never heard a first name before,

Non transferable tickets with names that have to match IDs or be for kids.

You don’t remember that they named their little girl “Chicago”?!  Yeah, they are at around 10 grandbabies for Kris so it’s likely some will slip through the cracks.

I’m blanking on academic explorations of the morality of surrogacy (though they have to be out there), but in lieu of that, here are some podcasts! I’ve only had the chance to listen to the Radiolab episode, but Death, Sex, and Money usually does a good job of presenting some nuanced views.

Chicago. I’m so sorry.

You meant koffee, right?

Can anyone point new towards some good literature discussing the morality of surrogacy? I guess the rich have always used other people's bodies for their labors, but it still doesn't seem right to me...

I can. The accompanying self-loathing is fun.