
Out of curiosity, why do you feel it’s important to write this article about Rami Malek versus an actor like Patrick Stewart or Ian McKellen, people who have worked with Bryan Singer on numerous movies over the years, even after these stories came out? People who are also part of or advocates for the LBGTQ community

Why? All business is full of seedy characters, if you researched your boss at whatever whatever, I’m sure you’d find he’s a shitheel, too. The US would grind to a halt if we refused to work with someone who MIGHT be a bad person. People in power are often shitty people. That’s how they get in power. How many degrees

Those aren’t blinders, it’s the constitutional right to direct the upbringing of one’s children. You really couldn’t do a better job of supporting the author’s point that this is a reproductive rights issue, reading all that and responding with “we really should make it easier to do involuntary termination of parental

So actors are supposed to do background checks on all their employers?

No. Make the United States a place where a woman doesn’t have to choose between shelter and supporting her child. If we had stronger social safety nets and more pro-family policies, women would be less likely to choose adoption.

So why single out Malek? Why aren’t people asking the actors who played his band mates or girlfriend why they didn’t walk off the movie as soon as Singer was attached? What about the costume designer? Why didn’t the key grip quit? What about the caterers? 

Maybe Rami Malek doesn’t read Gawker or take that site as any sort of serious news reporting? They did go down after refusing to remove the Hogan sex tape after all. So spare me the whole “Gawker was lookign out for these kids!!” when your own fucking manager at the website said he’d post videos of underage children

Oh yeah, it was common to hear, “I don’t hate black people. I hate *insert that horrible n word here*” in the 80s in Indiana where I grew up.

I feel like I sometimes have the “that could be my son” feeling when I worry that I’m being a shitty parent, or that he’s being over indulged by grandparents, or doted on at school etc. Like, I WORRY that he could ever turn out to be that kind of little asshole, not that he’ll get righteously dragged if he is one.

That’s pretty much what I was referring to :-/

This. I was raised with that exact racist ideology. That black people are fine as long as they adhere to white norms, culture, dialect, etc. I had the most enraging conversation with my dad and his best friend about football that revolved around this and man their blood boiled when I just asked them why they didn’t

There are a lot of dead POC teenagers who’d like a word with this bitch.

Exactly. Those MAGA hats and clothing are now considered symbols of racial prejudice and hatred, so if you are claiming you aren’t a racist, don’t fucking wear them!!

That would never in a million fucking years would be my kid. And if it was, I wouldn’t hire him a PR firm and encourage him to feign some kind of privileged victimhood.

Exactly. Teenage boys should definitely have a say in what women do with their bodies. JFC.

I once had a student get very mad at me because I wouldn’t let him write a stakeholder research paper on why abortion should be illegal. To be clear, the stakeholder paper requires the writer to be tangibly affected in a real, demonstrable way by whatever issue is at stake in the paper. I’ve had students write great

guns wielded by white people > white kids > everyone else

Few things here, if you don’t want people to think you are racist, don’t were a MAGA hat. If you think, oh, that could be my son, you need to raise your children to be better people. And lets not forget, this whole thing happened because a Catholic high school decided to take a bus full of teenage boys to a protest

Also David Hogg, if she wants to pretend that her memory doesn’t stretch back to the Central Park Five. The right-wing were positively gleeful in going after Hogg and the other Parkland kids.

Apparently Sarah was asleep the day Trayvon Martin, armed with an iced tea and a packet of skittles, became a murderous thug in the eyes of the conservative press, instead of a teenager walking home in the rain.