
I have not “proven” anything because I was never making an assertion in the first place. I said what something SEEMS LIKE and asked you to clarify and/or elaborate. I don’t know why you keep talking about challenging me to prove stuff. That’s your game. Now you are going to challenge me to a playground scuffle? Want

Your answer was that you do not know. You asked follow up questions and speculated further. This is how conversation works. I also answered your questions. We could have talked about research and the different types of adoption (as I mentioned in my first post- that is why I was interested, because so many times

Dude, I’m not arguing or trying to prove anything and I honestly don’t give a single shit about it. I’m ASKING YOU for the umpteenth time how you know the researchers didn’t already control for that. And at this point, I don’t give a single flying fuck any more. 

I don’t know. This is one of those situations that I think we need to wait and hear what happened. The school district says it’s not true. So it’s the word of the school vs children. I can imagine that either of them are lying. Middle schoolers especially seem oblivious to how their behavior comes across so who knows

40% are from foster care, 40% are overseas, and 45% are private agency + tribal + step-parent.

(correction: 15% from overseas)

Social stigma alone, it’s crap to suggest I should have to put my body and my health and my income through that. Gross.

How do you know the article’s sources did not control for that? Seems like it would be pretty easy for any researcher to distinguish between different kinds of adoption. For example, it’s also common for other family members (grandmothers especially but also aunt/uncles) to adopt children, especially those that are

Well did you read the article? The gist is that we should put the money/effort that is currently being funneled into the adoption industry into removing the conditions that cause women to put babies up for adoption in the first place. It’s connected to poverty, health care, white supremacy, patriarchy and private

This happened in my family. Crazy violent person put a kid up for adoption that none of us knew about. After she did, the kid (now an adult) came searching for us and the family members told her it would be opening too many wounds to have a relationship with her and she dodged a bullet by being adopted and never

Everyone knows XMen and Usual Suspects. Singer isn’t some unknown. A lot of average people (not in Hollywood) may not know Singer’s name, but I bet they’ve heard of some of his movies. Anyone in Hollywood knows who he is- he’s a major player. Not just gay people, all actors.

Number One: Yes it’s perfectly possible that he either didn’t know, or he just didn’t know much about it other than rumors. I feel this way about Woody Allen until recently. I think for a long time, unless you were the sort of person that reads details of court cases of celebrities’ lives, then you could very easily

First off, what’s your point? Are you defending Obama’s separation of families?

Second, it’s not LITERALLY the same. Under Obama, what happened was some mothers and children who crossed the border together were detained together. Some fathers and children who crossed the border together with children were separated

Here’s the thing with that. Kids are their own people to a certain extent. I mean, it really matters what parents do, but even the best intentions can go wrong. Parents aren’t literally superheroes even though they are expected to act like they are.

Look at Stephen Miller for example. In retrospect, we can criticize the

While that is true, we can’t combat a power structure with moral call-out arguments (though I’m not criticising doing that too). We have to change the power structure itself. The problem isn’t these individual brats. The problem is that these fucking private schools exist at all. 


Or the literally thousands of families they’ve separated at the border and put in cages.

Trayvon wasn’t a kid with skittles walking home either. Or Tamir Rice playing in a park. Or thousands of immigrant families separated at the border and caged. Or dozens of Yemeni children blown to pieces on a school bus.

Also “destroy his life” is such bullshit- it literally means “criticism with no consequences”. Whose life has been destroyed by accusations that they are misogynists or racist? Bill Clinton? Donald Trump? Nope, they became president. Kavanaugh or Thomas? Nope, they became SCOTUS justices. This little brat? Nope, he’s

I think it’s even worse than that for most of them. I think most of them have met individual POC that they liked and therefore they think, “I’m not racist. When a black person acts normal, I like them just fine.” This is literally something I’ve had white people say. “I’m not racist. I like normal acting black