
ALSO they took a field trip to a misogyny rally. I feel like everyone is forgetting the context in which this took place. One way to avoid a situation like this is to NOT attend a rally to take away the rights of half the population in the first place.

These kids are at a nearly all-white private school in the burbs that takes field trips to DC to attend a rally to take away the right of bodily autonomy from half the population. They crack rape jokes and wear MAGA hats.

I dont’ really give a shit about anything that happened after that. They are already shitty little

I don’t think we can tell if someone is a psychopath just by seeing a few minutes of footage, but he’s definitely a smug racist asshole and I want to slap him!

Yes. Pro-life politics (as opposed to a personal opinion that you do not try to impose on others through regulation and laws) is misogyny. And yes, pro-life women are misogynists.

How do you feel about it now that the full video has come out? They’re still thugs, but there was a lot more going on there and the native elder approached them. 

Right. Boys only. And can we keep in mind they are on a field trip to the annual misogyny rally?

Nah. That’s the shit eating grin of an entitled kid who KNOWS you can’t do anything to him. If you’ve worked with spoiled brat teens, you’ll recognize it. 

Not to mention that they were at a misogyny rally. 

Here’s my totally uninformed wild guess.

One thing Tagouri is famous for is being the first woman in Playboy in a hijab. (She’s famous for other more substantive stuff too, but that happened recently). I’d assume that someone working in fashion magazines would know about that right? Probably more than they’d know

Ha, I see what you mean. I don’t know. Might be wrong about this, but I believe it was not an interview. I thought she was just one of several women in a spread of like “fashionable women in 2019" with a pic and a blurb about their work and then what they are wearing (Givenchy in her case). Bukhari isn’t wildly famous

Well that seems like such a simple idea that would solve the problem- so why aren’t they doing that?

Yeah the caption just says what she’s wearing (because it’s a fashion mag after all) not an interview with her. Then it says she “actor, director and model, Noor Bukhari so they didn’t just get her name wrong, they totally mixed her up with a different person.

I’ve never heard of Tagouri before. Read her wiki just

I don’t know. I mean, really an activist who has always dreamed of being in Vogue? She also holds the distinction of being the first Muslim woman on the cover of Playboy. Her wiki says she does activism around mental illness, and lord knows we need more of that, but she does seem unnecessarily caught up in celebrity

That pic makes me miss the 90s. Dumb nostalgia, I guess I’m really just missing my youth. Cry in my cheerios.

Seriously though, what’s the solution to scalping? Is there a better way to release tickets so this doesn’t keep happening?

OK, comment police. I suspect you will reach through the internet and strong-arm me out that door right? No one is making you participate in this conversation. 

Honestly I’m not interested enough in this topic to go into too much detail here. I linked to some articles in the original post that does a better job.

But I want to respond real fast to the sex work comparison. This is not a good comparison in my opinion and I’m not the one that brought it up. Sex work requires only

I missed that one too. Just looked her up though, and it looks like she’s a year old this week. They’re not wasting any time!

I get them mixed up with the royal kids. Seems like they have them around the same time. Every few years there’s a giant celeb family we’re all watching. It was Brad and Angelina’s kids a few years back. The Beckhams. Madonna’s kids. Eddie Murphy’s. Mia Farrow’s.

Yeah it’s dumb, but I’m not really using those brain

There is no way to have either sex work or surrogacy without exploitation. Exploitation literally means someone using resources to their advantage. When the resources are human (labor, even before we get into the complications of it involving using their organs or penetrating their bodies), the only question is if the

I know what you were pointing out. I just don’t want the discussion to get sidetracked into the idea of the good mother / bad mother which tends to happen when we talk about reproduction.

For example: Bad mother doesn’t carry her own child because she wants to get drunk. Good mother wishes she could carry her own