
The personal reason behind that is irrelevant. People who need organs are not immoral for needing an organ. Kim is not immoral for not being able to have the child on her own. The morality issue comes in because the rich can purchase/rent the body parts of the poor.

Yup, I agree. Especially since there are already babies in existence to adopt.

To me, surrogacy is like donating a kidney. If someone wants to do it for a loved one for free, that’s fine. But it’s different when rich people start paying poor people for use of their organs.

BTW I don’t know of good literature in the

I mean, they could also adopt already existing children. But since they are rich, they can instead rent a poor woman’s body.

I dunno. Figure he’s mildly embarrassed, but the point is that I don’t care about Bezos’s feelings here either way.

Look I agree mostly, but it’s also good to destroy the idea that these tech ceo rich guys are somehow geniuses who will save the world. There’s an “emperor’s new clothes” thing going on here. It’s good to smash the hero worship.

Hey these are great questions for a good discussion. I would not have given such a flippant answer if I knew you were actually interested in talking about it. And right now I’m on my way to work but will answer some more later. It would be awesome if others write in too.

But let me answer really quick regarding the

I mean, not doing a two trillion dollar tax cut should increase the amount of money we have to put towards this thing by two trillion, right?

1) increased income tax on the very wealthy

Nope. Plastic surgery for vaginas is a thing for a reason, and yes men have loads of opinions about them.

I guess you didn’t read the article? The genders are reversed on this show as well.

Same same same same same SAME.

Yeah, this. My own experience is that I tried really hard to be cute when I was in middle school, and then in high school I discovered I could just Never Bother With This Again. It was so liberating. I’ve spoken about it before, but what really turned my mind was an article about Janet Reno- how people made fun of her

That’s really the only thing interesting about him. That he could be so fucking conventional and boring and yet be so taken with himself as to think a) that his preferences are not cliche, and b) that anyone wants to hear them.

Thing is, when he says 25 year old, he means conventionally beautiful young women. He has no awareness of any other sort of woman- they are not even in existence to him. This is why he’s so bothered by women his own age. He’s annoyingly made aware of their existence no doubt b/c he has friends/family members/coworkers

Seriously. He’s not exactly an attractive looking 50 year old either. Look at that haggard face and sunken eyes, and what the hell is up with the brow?

In my experience, what they actually mean is “I’m annoyed by the existence of women who are not naturally & flawlessly beautiful.

That makes sense. Especially people who live in places like Oklahoma I guess.

Yes but scientific determinants are a very small part of that- we are agreeing here, I’m just not sure why you are extending this to Warren. Based on your story, I’m assuming you are presenting as a white woman to the outside world, but this is not accurate- hence that experience when your internal lived reality /

BTW it really has nothing to do with Hilary. That’s what libs don’t get. It has to do with imperialism. She’s an actor in it, but she’s no better or worse than any others in those positions of power. 

Shit started before Regan. US policy during the Cold War was to combat pan-arab nationalist or communist or nonaligned movements in the Muslim world partially by supporting the spread of wahhabism- this goes way back and the US history in that region has a lot to do with the US relationship with the Saudi royals which