
It’s amazing how much people cannot wrap their brains around imperialism. Tell me what I’ve said that is incorrect. You don’t think that ISIS was armed with US supplied weapons? This is a fact. You don’t think that they picked those weapons up in Iraq and Libya? This is also a fact. You don’t think the US trained and

You sound fun. As I said, my family is not white either so I don’t know why you are screaming at me about things I know damn well. You are so stuck on your talking points that you aren’t reading what I said. You think that in the 40s there was nothing but white culture? That all the contributions of everyone else was

I’m not playing academic games. Sure change the word to “a white woman in a society in which there are many ethnic groups contributing to the greater culture” if you like.

Not really. Race is a construct, not something that can be scientifically defined. It’s socially defined. If you eliminate that social aspect- as Warren does- then what are you left with? From a scientific point of view, does an extremely tiny fraction of DNA from a particular ethnicity make you of that race? The

Yes of course. My point is that saying “the left” is obsessed with id pol is flawed, if not straight out incorrect. The criticism leveled against the left is often the opposite- that they focus on class conflict to a reductive point. Leftist politics usually sees white supremacy as a result of relations of production

Exactly. She claims to be Native American. She has stated several times that her ancestors were Cherokee and Eastern Delaware. She has no tribal affiliation with either Cherokee Nation nor with any Delaware tribes. Neither do any other members of her family. That’s exactly the point- that she defines native ethnicity

I’m probably older than you and I’m from an immigrant family myself. The culture is and was multicultural then too. This is not a negation of white supremacy- it’s a fact. The US has never been all white, and pre civil rights era, there were still other races making contributions to culture and society. This is what

Nope. Limbaugh and the right believe that she had diplomats killed because of a personal beef. What I’m telling you is the truth, you can google it, you can hear Hillary talk a bit about it during the Senate investigations, you can hear John Kerry talking about JAN with weapons from Libya later on. This is how US

That is an interesting question. I’m hardly an expert, but I can tell you the fascinating stuff I’ve learned from this debate. First off, these tests aren’t very accurate at all. That’s another issue.

You know what happened in Benghazi? Hillary’s shit desire to appear strong by overthrowing the government there (which is not what NATO approved btw) included a covert operation to run weapons from rebels in Libya to FSA affiliates in Syria- who also happened to be connected with salafist groups that network with

Now playing

OK sorry to beat a dead horse, but what you said made me think of this and I wonder how it would come across to you if you could listen with an open mind. At one point, he literally says the same thing you do about conservatism:

I don’t care what the GOP says and neither does anyone who consists of the Dem voting base. What matters here is the way it plays with the potential voting base who is disaffected and honestly doesn’t give a shit about any of this bullshit but is unlikely to be inspired by transparently media hogging insincerity. Not

THat’s interesting, thanks. I assumed it had to do with Will Rogers and then the subsequent popularity of Western genres, romanticizing the natives, etc.

I think your understanding of the tax system is confused because you recognize contradictions of global capitalism and then can’t square it so you blame the fed or progressive taxation- I wonder. You might actually be a libertarian socialist (which is not the same thing as what Americans call “libertarian”). Loads of

A lot of people use “conservative” to mean “anti-liberal” or “anti-globalism”. Some of these people are actually nationalist white supremacists, but others of them are actually recognizing contradictions in the global dollar based system but can’t recognize themselves as anticapitalists because of propaganda and

You aren’t a precious lone wolf. If you think current Reps are bad and current Dems are likewise bad, then you need to pick a side that is not either of them rather than cosplaying some political partisan over 100 years ago and pretending this makes you “the only” whatever. And if your political affiliation has only

Identity politics is a feature of liberalism, not the left, but I know people tend to use the two interchangeably, worth asking who that serves. The Indian bullshit was never her lifeline- it was something stupid she said in her 20s that she has been ridiculed for before Trump, and there was never even any liberal who

The good way to respond would’ve been this:

She has no idea what tribe she’s related to. DNA tests don’t show that, and all white people who claim to be native based on family lore say they are Cherokee for some reason. I think it’s because of the appearance of some famous Cherokee stars in the early part of the 20th century (like Will Rogers) when Westerns

Why shouldn’t people attack her if they don’t want her? She is not entitled to a political career. She offers nothing desirable to the left. It makes no sense to not attack her if she’s contributing to the problems you are fighting and an obstacle to the world you are building.