
Maybe Nick Jonas or Priyanka are bigger here than either of us realize. I don’t see this wedding in any but celeb news so I’ll take your word for it, but if it’s all across the media, then maybe young people give a shit. It’s not just her, it’s him too- Jonas is an American celeb so the “they’re American” part doesn’t

Sure, that’s true. But a wedding without a reception is simply a ceremony, and a ceremony, by definition is a celebration of an event - that is literally a party, just one that includes some ritual. You could start calling a birthday celebration a ceremony too because it includes rituals like blowing out the candles

A wedding is a party. It has nothing to do with the marriage except that it is a party to celebrate the beginning of the marriage. It is literally a party. A marriage is not literally a piece of paper. It is a lifelong commitment and partnership that sometimes works out and sometimes doesn’t. The piece of paper makes

Is it getting a disproportionate amount of American coverage though? They are both famous, even though neither are HUGE stars in the US, and weddings between celebs always get coverage if they want it. The key seems to be if the celebs want the coverage in the first place (and these guys do) and then how big a star

I agree with that, but I don’t think any of those other expensive consumer culture gadgets and must-haves are any less gross or stupid than an elaborately expensive wedding that you can’t afford. I feel the same way about people who go into debt to purchase cars twice the amount they could spend etc. Usually when it’s

Well that all makes sense- so it’s a thing that was fun to do with your mom that is tempered by reality and you’ve still found a way to make it worth your while whether or not you get rich in the future. But then, what does that mean in terms of dreaming about it when you were a kid- at what point did your dreams

In your case, if you can afford it and that’s what you want, go ahead. I couldn’t have afforded such a thing when I got married. I could now, but I personally think it’s ridiculous to spend thousands of dollars on a party. I guess some people really are so secure and have so much money that the party is worth it

Yes she is way more famous internationally than he is. I’d say they are roughly equally famous in the US but I might be biased there.

But she did not rise from middle class obscurity. It’s true that she has few industry connections, but her parents were solidly upper middle class urbanites in a country where most

Honest question here. (I’m assuming that you did not grow up rich, though if you did then nevermind the question.) When you’d watch these shows with your mom, did she ever talk to you about how much money this would cost, put that into perspective of other things you could do with that money, talk to you about debt,

I think (hope?) it was a blip in American culture. Isn’t the trend starting to turn the other way? The fairy tale sensationalism of an elaborate perfect wedding being every little girl’s dream is a manufactured fantasy- the wedding/princess/celebrity industry created it because it’s profitable. In most people’s minds,

Yeah I think it’s normal for all kids to play at getting married just like you play at all sorts of things. But to dream about the wedding and plan the aspects of it in a grown up way- like the flowers and the dress and where it would take place and all that. That’s a new thing, I think, and a product of current

There are millions of Christians in India including entire states, so it’s wrong to think that a Christian wedding in India is “white people shit” although in this case I suppose it’s accurate since the Christian groom is white.

Well I think it’s the wedding they dream about, not the marriage. Or those are different dreams. 

I played at it sometimes just like I played at being a robber or a cowboy or a princess or a preacher or a teacher, etc. I don’t remember ever dreaming about a wedding, and when it came time to get married, I just found a JP. I can think of better things to do with thousands of dollars than throw a party, and if

BTW I’m not trying to be snarky here. I’ll try to clarify. The wedding industry reinforces existing class lines which in itself reinforces the current power structure, the caste system, a cover for dowry (wedding “gifts” are usually used as a way to do dowry since it’s illegal), and limits the prevalence of love


World traveler IS a totally legit career goal. The house in Paris- well that’s probably out of most people’s reach! But get out there and travel the world. It just requires getting through your youth without debt or children. 

BTW the groom riding a horse at an Indian wedding is not a lavish thing to do. In fact, you’ll find it more at traditional weddings, even among lower income people.

The OP is correct that lots of Indians use weddings as a way to show off their wealth. The richer the people, the more elaborate the wedding. It’s an

The poster above says that the elaborateness of this wedding and the video of it is due to the norms of lavish weddings among the rich in India. I’m saying that while that is true, the long veil is still something she added to it- not something with any precedent in Indian culture or Indian weddings. She’s not adding A

She is a massively famous international star. Just because she’s not well known in the US doesn’t mean she’s not well known to a few billion people in other countries. This wedding did not take place in America.

None of this changes how stupid that veil is though.