
I always look at it and think “slug”.

It’s a dream. He’s bad at writing sex scenes (and in my opinion, not so great at writing women in general), but really this particular scene should get a pass since it’s describing a dream, not a real sex scene. That’s why the guy can’t stop flowing and that’s why the vagina is like a vice- it’s not real.

Phillip K Dick was another guy who was great at plots and crazy stories, but terrible at writing women. All the women in his books are the same- either a vixen who betrays the protagonist, a prudish mommy type, or an innocent victim. There’s nothing else. They are all vapid. 

I’ve got to wonder about the male point of view that women are really into or impressed by cum. I find this a lot in bad writing, also in porn, also in guys’ sex ads, etc. They are always talking about the size of their load, wanting to shoot their cum in various places, expecting women to get all excited about cum,

He’s terrible about a lot of things involving women. There’s that scene where the trans woman explains how she came to be this way- it’s so embarrassing. Then later, a scene where feminists show up at a library and give such a cringey and totally implausible outrage lecture. In another, there’s an entirely plot around

Nah, it’s just a lazy writer’s way to show that THIS dude is one of the good guys and is going to save her. Look at this girl, so ashamed of her body. The good guy will teach her what it means to be loved and accepted. (insert eyeroll)

Thanks. By those definitions, why would her shooting someone she thought was in her apartment be involuntary manslaughter rather than voluntary? Her intent was still to kill him, and whether or not she THOUGHT she was in her place, it’s her responsibility for being so reckless as to make such a wild mistake. She was

Possible, but to me she just looks like a not very attractive woman who is exhausted and has been crying. 

Why do people believe she couldn’t have thought she was at her house? Was it confirmed that she knocked or just that she rattled the door knob? I believe she could’ve gone to the wrong house thinking it was hers. That’s incredibly stupid, but people do stupid shit all the time (especially when drunk and tired), and

Do all murder charges require premeditation? I thought that was the point of different degrees of murder. Like, in the passion of the moment, it’s still murder right? You can have intent without premeditation. I thought the point of manslaughter was that it was reckless but accidental. Not that I actually know about

Do you know if this is true as well for soldiers and cops?

In this case, I doubt her gender really has much to do with the indictment. I think it’s indefensible, even by the police, since she was off duty and had no reason (even by cop standards) to be there at all. I think a male cop in the same situation would also

If you don’t mind, how old are you now? Because I’ve found that this is not the case for young people now. The online indoctrination is constant, and the conservatism in campus culture is (ironically) more closed and defensive now. So someone who just sort of has not very well formed ideas (let’s say their parents are

This is bullshit.

Seriously. I get the fact that you can’t appease the right and that they will never let this go- nothing you say will be good enough. Fuck them and ignore them, fine. But on the left, yes it needs to be said.

I keep hearing people say this without saying what that is. Asking seriously- what has Sarsour done/said that is antisemitic?

As to the first, whose ear does he have? Asking genuinely. As to the second, I don’t see them defending him, just not unequivocally condemning certain statements. It seems like they have made several statements that they do not agree with him, and in terms of actions they have shown they are not antisemitic. It’s

Yeah Nation of Islam is complicated that way. I lived in Houston in the 90s and it was an extremely positive force in the lives of most of the people in Nation of Islam. I think having spent so much time around poor inner city families who were associated with them has given me a more nuanced view of the group. On the

Regarding the women’s strike, all you said was that you thought that a women’s strike or walkout would be more effective than a mass protest march. This is something I agree with btw. But what I’m trying to say is that there were women’s strikes, on both years since the election. And if you mean that we should be

Nope. The march was explicitly antiTrump, and it was just a few weeks after the election. I doubt there were any Trump voters there other than curious observers and enforcers.

As for the percentage of white women that voted for Trump, that is true, but it’s skewed along urban/suburban/rural lines. And so.: 1) Most of

Well I think it actually matters for religious organizations who are associated with leaders who say antisemitic things to distance themselves and unequivocally criticize those bad views.

What’s weird about the obsession with Farrakhan is just how irrelevant he is which is sort of your point too. He’s an old black