
I think (?) it’s as simple as not being as high up. You aren’t seeing entire metropolitan areas come into view all at once like you do from space, and you are not above the atmosphere. Seeing a city from the top of a tall building for example vs seeing it from a plane but on a much grander scale.

Just a quick bit here about the international studies. In the United States, all 15 year olds are supposed to be in high school on the same academic track and therefore participate in these tests (if your school is one of the selected ones). This is not the case in most other countries (including Europe) where

People have to contrast their appreciation with all the dullards who, for whatever reason, are not as enlightened as they are and therefore can’t appreciate the amazing things that they appreciate. Hence all the posts here that go on about flat earthers- this one about Millennials is similar. It’s just like any time

My guess would be it’s a combo of the greater distance enhancing the contrast and your own personal bad luck (?) when you are flying airlines? Because I’ve flown at night over cities and seen spectacular lights- especially if it’s clear and there’s some way to contrast, like if you spend a ton of time over the desert

You know, this shit is also absurd. You just repeat talking points.

First off, do the dozens of examples of failed capitalism mean capitalism does not work and never could? If not, then why would you say the same about noncapitalist systems?

Second, do you know what Marxism is? I see a lot of people throw this around

Yeah you know the interesting thing is, it’s not like she was saying this is some unsolvable problem or that she is looking for someone else to solve it. She’s pointing out that it’s something she has to figure out- how to rent a place without a paycheck, how to live somewhere very expensive and transition from NY,

Seriously. It happens that religious/cultural modesty in dress tends to affect women (which pisses me off) and then dress codes of what we consider the default narrow American status quo tends to exclude people who aren’t middle class and white and often male (which pisses me off) which means that enforcing a

I guess the more concise responses to your point is, who gets to define what is or is not an overt expression of faith (generally) and do you consider a headscarf to be an overt expression of faith (specifically)?

I’m good with removing the “under god” as well, along with any official mentions of religion or god from any speeches/statements that the MOCs make in their official capacity.

But they are citizens, and I believe they should be able to wear whatever personal items they want in their work places. For one thing, I think

You can protect freedom of religion and the separation of church and state without bans on personal religious adornments. And anyway, there’s no telling how such a ban would have any material effect in the first place. Evangelical fundamentalists use their faith as a reason to restrict women’s rights. But so do

I think we should keep a fire wall between church and state, but these people also have private lives, and they are going to PERSONALLY be religious (or at least some of them) and I don’t see why it would be a contradiction that they would personally wear religious adornments. And some of them practice religions that

Plus how nice if you are being lazy and don’t feel like brushing your hair that morning- throw on a hat.

I also recommend allowing for track pants and baggy sweat shirts.

Hey, I’m opposed to a stupid leftover ban like this, too, but is there any actual enforcement of that rule? I mean, lacking context here, I don’t know of anyone pushing back against her wearing it, are they?

You know, I’m so surprised by your interpretation that I looked up the statement that has you thinking she’s entitled or undignified or whatever. Just to double check. Here’s what she said:

Wow, that’s fascinating. I guess you’ve had the “you make more in a year or two than most people do in a lifetime” conversation right? It’s wild. I’ve had a similar situation with wealthy friends. One blew around 20K on a whim at a casino. When I pointed out that this is what some people make in a year (and this was a

1. You can’t truly believe that freshmen members of Congress couch surf for three months? That’s such shockingly naive complete and utter bullshit that I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that you don’t actually believe it.

Yes that’s astounding b/c your parents do have a lot of money. It’s also probably true that they don’t “feel” what they think “rich” feels like since they’ve probably had to plan and work really hard to own a home or pay rent in one of the most expensive parts of the world, plus considerations of health insurance,

Thanks. I think part of the problem with liberals and their idea of “purity politics” is really just that they don’t understand US military-industrial complex and foreign policy. Because they consistently blow off taking a stand against the massive violations of human rights, millions of deaths, overthrows of

Ah, that’s interesting, thanks, didn't know that.

They weren’t born with those thoughts in their heads. And it’s counter-intuitive. It’s years of a combination of a propaganda narrative from the right and the failure of liberals to provide an alternative plus the complete destruction of the left. So sure, that’s their immediate response, but it wasn’t always that