
My guess is that there are very few men who have not, at some point in their lives, sexually harassed women and/or girls. I think if it’s not ALL men, then it’s pretty damn close to all of them.

Some of them grow up and reflect on the behavior and understand it for what it was. Patriarchy affects men too, and I believe

Sorry, tell me again what consequences Clinton faced from committing perjury?

To be fair, that’s not what he said. He said that’s how he felt about it while writing them because he had no other way to conceptualize their relationship. He’s going to have to put his spin on them- it’s his job, he’s writing for these characters. How he conceptualizes them in his head is not the same as applying

Yes exactly. And men harass to control and belittle women, to intimidate them, and to take advantage of them all while not physically doing anything that can easily be proven.

We get this in terms of racism. If someone uses racial slurs with colleagues, harasses colleagues based on their race, cracks racist jokes,

I have no problem whatsoever with harassment being something that destroys a career.

My first sexual harassment was a prank call. Some pervo randomly calling up houses (this was back when we all had landlines) and then chatting up little girls if one of them answered. It took him just a few confusing questions- seconds probably- before he told me he wanted to shove something up “that place between

lol. I certainly don’t give a shit about the people concerned with building wealth at the expense of the public sphere. Got me!

Yup. I’m not rich, but I probably will be one day if I continue to earn like I am. I live in the US and support four people (including two elderly people) in a developing country in which one

Again, you know nothing about me. You don’t know where I live or what I pay or what I contribute to or why I don’t own stock or where I have worked over the decades of my life. You make assumptions.

I’m going to try one more time.

Bezos’ personal income- the thing you are so hyperfocused on- comes almost entirely from

Yes I responded to your response in a thread- you did not start this thread.

I did not talk exclusively about his personal income taxes. In my very first post to you, I talked about both Amazon’s taxes and Bezos’ personally. As did the OP. You just ignored it until now. As to your point, yes the local government

Hey asshole, I’m an American. Look up the word BINATIONAL. And who says the US has a lower tax system? And who says that I make all my money in the US? You make a lot of assumptions.

Amazon made nearly 10 billion in PROFITS last year and they paid nothing because their HQ is in a tax haven.

My point is A) Amazon should

You’re right about all of this of course. I enjoyed this exchange too, but I don’t really know what else to add to it. Plus I’m feeling a little depressed about the SCOTUS and also I’m procrastinating. So thanks for chatting- it was great fun!

I don’t think there is such a thing as a partisan hack without any respect for the court. Maybe Kavanaugh is an outlier from the HF picks. I don’t know enough about them. But I feel like when you’ve gone extreme enough as to outline their long term plan and goals, it really doesn’t matter if you are on the more

Out of time now, so the only part I’m going to respond to is that there’s always this joke about how people defend systems that benefit the very rich at the expense of others because they are aspirational and see themselves as maybe one day being a billionaire too. I always thought that was just a joke.

No my actual

Wouldn’t impeaching him later require the Dems to have both houses? I guess that’s what you mean by “later”- you mean in some distant future? Worth thinking about since he’ll be there until he dies.

Someone less odious will not be suggested. The GOP has a Koch Bros approved list of candidates- I mean this literally-

Yes I’m maxing out FICA because I earn more than 125. I think the max rate that I pay is around 10K though it could be a little lower. If one is self employed, it’s higher but only by a few thousand (what you pay, the max out rate is the same). I work contractually so some quarters I don’t make much and others I make

I do not own any stock. I do own a house. I don’t know what you mean by the US government insisting that it owns a share of my house. I pay property taxes for my house. And yes, when the property value of my house appreciates, my property taxes likewise are higher because I pay a percentage of the value of my house in

Is the hope here now that they can delay the confirmation vote until after the midterm with fingers crossed that enough Dems will win that he can’t get the votes he needs? Because unless someone presses criminal charges and he literally becomes ineligible to hold the position, I can’t see anything swaying the Reps to

Actually that is correct. Amazon made nearly 6 billion last year. They paid nothing in fed taxes. They locate their HQ in a tax haven country in Europe so they paid nothing. As for other taxes, when you look a subsidies and credits they get nationally and locally, they also come out paying very little, and they also

Bootlicking is a timeless sport.

Nah. That just passes the costs off back down to consumers and individuals- the public- rather than taxing surpluses in the first place which are then taken by the very rich to invest in things that give them fast returns, even if it does nothing for the overall economy. Amazon is a good example of all this. They are