
I think it’s disingenuous. You could ask how it worked for Cubans or South INdians. Famines happened in China before Mao as well, and the results of the revolution are mixed- there was massive industrialization and lifting people out of poverty as well and the development in the 70s and 80s is from this context.

Most people understand this. Bezos has millions in salary independent of his net worth. He should pay more taxes on it. As for his stock holdings, they should not be concentrated in his hands but distributed among the workers in Amazon. And Amazon should pay more in taxes as well. If this were the case, then there

Amazon should not be a charity in the first place. They often cause more harm than good. Right now they are working on making public school curriculum suggestions. Why? Ever wondered why there’s all this focus on STEM in public schools driven by the same corporations that pay very high salaries to import STEM

They’re all evil. I prefer openly evil people like Jeff Bezos than the ones that pretend they are doing good. Bill Gates Foundation- destroyed public schools with their “charity”, gives tons of money to Saudi Arabia to create Silicon Valley 2.0 even while they commit a genocide in Yemen, and then Bill Gates also is


That’s an interesting point. I had not thought about that. I can name tons of non-American male writers with issues with women, both modern and historic. But you are correct that if I think about male writers who write women well before, say, 1960, I mostly only come up with non-American examples. I agree about James,

Nope. Sorry. I don’t like Trump one bit and I voted against him, but all you people wringing your hands over this constitutional crisis like it’s the worst thing that’s ever happened here and brushing aside genocide and endless warfare as “policy”?? All I can say is get your head out of your ass. Trump sucks and I’m

Denise Richards does not need money.

Nah, Fox and CNN will pay tons of attention to him because he’s a celebrity and he knows how to work the news. What he’ll do is guarantee that the GOP will win again.

I don’t know. When was the last time we had an experienced POTUS? Obama did a short stint in Congress, didn’t prepare him for doing much- still failed on health care, started a drone war, overthrew a govt in Libya and there are slave markets there, expanded ICE’s reach including the deportations and indefinite

Yup. Honestly we should just eliminate the office of POTUS altogehter.

Why the fuck not? Let’s go for a Kanye ticket with Hulk Hogan as VP vs Oprah for the Dems with Stormy Daniels as the VP. The office of POTUS is a fucking joke anyway.

On the contrary. I think by the next generation male novelists and then there on (the second half of the 20th century and the last 20 years) have done a much better job of including female protagonists and well rounded female characters with their own lives and stories. Off the top of my head considering stuff I’ve

You are right that I don’t follow tennis anything more than casually but your assessment of this sounds like what we saw so thank you. However, they are only two separate issues (the sexism and the events that occurred in this final) to everyone EXCEPT Serena. I think the reason she couldn’t calm down was because it

I don’t know. I think it can be true that she has been treated like shit and insulted AND she was outmatched.

Well you sound like you know more about tennis than I do, as a casual fan. To me it seemed like she was particularly emotional about the implication that she cheated- that it wasn’t about the points but rather about the insinuation that she would cheat? Like it’s about pride or something?

It’s because it’s a black woman shouting at a white man? I agree that Serena lost her temper. I also agree that this happens regularly enough. That does not justify it, but every time Nadal (or McEnroe as you say) loses their temper, does everyone go on and on about it? Are they fined? Maybe so and I’ve just never

I don’t know why everyone is acting like this is a contradictory statement. He’s saying that regardless of whether or not you think Serena behaved poorly, the umpire failed at his job. This leaves us the options that: a) he failed at his job AND Serena was wrong in her response, or b) he failed at his job AND Serena

Well you might be seeing something in Diaz that I did not, as I did in Steinbeck. Both of whom are writers I really like btw.

I agree he’s not an outlier. It’s more about what it feels like to read a generation’s worth of great novels in which the female characters only exist to drive the plot that centers on the men.

As for the first, I’m responding to your comment that the son who just died might have disputed it. I know nothing about the publication of this book nor the ghost writer- I’m responding entirely to your suggestion that the son might’ve disputed the account. There are all sorts of reasons a family member might dispute