
They aren’t trash in the context of their own time. It was perfectly acceptable then for a man to center himself in relation to others and to treat the women in his life in a way that we would now consider shit. This is a fact- not warped. It was the norm then, and much less so now.

If I told you that throughout the

“Shock” acts only work for a few years. Then they become aged greatest hits types or parodies of themselves. They still have careers and yes there will still be flashes of talent, but I think it’s more like their talent laid bare- you see what they are actually capable of if the emotional/cultural shock response had

Look, Steinbeck was great as a writer. He had issues with women that were typical for his generation/race/culture. You can see this in his works even without knowing anything about his life. And there are all sorts of reasons why someone would not want to publish a gossipy piece about their family.

Who knows whether or

I dunno. Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he personally did not do anything awful to women. He still made a career by being bros with men who did, witnessing it, writing about it, etc. A couple things about that. One- there’s no way a woman could’ve had his career. Two- he is received as a wild

Yes that’s true. I’m not a huge fan of most of his work, but he definitely seemed to be a truly decent and empathetic human being which is far more important.

It’s because this was the norm for all (yes I said all) white men with any means for decades in the US. The more famous ones were even more likely to act this way because they had more opportunity to do so without any real consequences. So writers are included by default, not because there was something unique about

Yeah the really shitty thing is that he can’t see that his big giant fucking obnoxious flaw is in the delusion that he gets to make a decision for her in the first place. “I tried to imagine what it would be like to be her”- well you motherfucker, you could’ve just asked her what it’s like to be her and let her decide

The best thing that could happen is that a sinkhole opens up and swallows every single motherfucker in that hearing.

Calling senators is useless. I’m sorry to say so, but it’s true. Do it if it makes you feel better, but it’s pointless. The GOP will all vote to confirm him and there is nothing calling them will do about it. Some of the Dems might vote for him as well. It might help to call them if you live in a district with a

Late term pregnancies are extremely rare. They are fewer than 1% of all pregnancies, and you have to visit specialist doctors to get one. They are not available just because someone wants to end a pregnancy. They are available because the baby will be born with massive health issues, is nonviable, or is a risk to the

Be a pal. Don’t give any sexual attention to anti-choice men. No handjobs, no blowjobs, no dates. It’s not just about your own personal risk of pregnancy. It’s about misogyny and it affects all of us.

I’d buy that something petty made him run for POTUS, but it’s not Stefani. It’s when Obama made fun of him at the correspondents’ dinner. I think he thought to himself then and there “I’ll show you”. He has extremely thin skin. 

I’d buy that something petty made him run for prez, but it’s not Stefani. It’s when Obama made fun of him at the correspondents’ dinner.

Yup. It is a weak spot for Occasio-Cortez and Tlaib as well.

People don’t shop around for districts. If you want to truly represent people, you need to be among them.

Everybody keeps talking about his progressive voting record, and that’s true. He’s not a baddie. But what this movement is about is electing people who do not take corporate money. Capuano does. Pressely doesn’t. If we are going to build a viable alternative, we have to have politicians who are not beholden to

Fuck off. The problem isn’t the temperature of the water, it’s the toxicity of it. And not average people not having clean drinking water in a country that has billionaires is very much a developing world problem.

Good thing high school kids don’t drink anything but Mountain Dew.

He’s an idiot for sure. But George W Bush invaded two countries for no reason, one of which based on a stack of lies, and directly killed hundreds of thousands of people while indirectly killing and displacing millions- all of this while creating an immigrant-targeting federal police force running its own

They have a lot in common for one thing.