
I don’t think they are planting themselves though. They are openly beating protestors- not covertly pretending to be a protestor to provoke the police which is what the original poster here is talking about.

I know what you mean, and when it comes to individuals, I think it might be a good idea to not play up their “celebrity”- for example with Tiny or Milo or Richard Spencer or whatever. Let’s not contribute to making them icons.

Fuck off, scum. 

Totally agree with you. It’s going to have to come from union leadership though, or at least organized pressure on that leadership from the rank and file. Based on what went down in Seattle though, I’d guess that the unions are as divided as the rest of the country- there are plenty of far right members in those ranks.

It’s wild the way the rest of the country thinks that the Pacific Northwest is some liberal paradise. They have a couple very blue cities. Outside of that, the countryside in those two states is teeming with nazis and militias. I feel like the media dismisses the extent to which this is happening, despite the Bundy

Americans don’t pay attention to what’s happening in the rest of the world, ever. 

Let’s not insult the people who do really receive the services the “short bus” provides. Most of them have more decency than a Nazi any day. 

There was a union presence at this rally including plenty of union chants. What we have to keep in mind is that in any movement, the people who can take to the streets are going to be those that have less to lose or that are safer in some way. The reason you see so many young white people is that older people tend to

The fascists in Germany were stupid and ugly as well. Fascism is always stupid. That’s one thing people forget about it, and so when it rears it’s stupid ugly head, people think to themselves “this can’t actually be scary- those people dress up like frogs”. There’s a whole world of Nazi Germany that we forget- they

Exactly. Thank you. I don’t think that people are considering how much counter protests are actually a buffer zone. We know what it looks like when you remove that buffer- it’s Jim Crow and lynchings.

How do you think that showing up and taking pictures and mocking them is possible without counter protests? In the first place, you just described an aspect of counter protesting. But in the second place, as you see in the video, if you try to just show up and take pictures and mock, you will literally be run out by

Also the reason there is a narrative that it’s the antifascists that are the problem is simpler than that. When pushed to choose a side, the establishment (be it police, corporations, mainstream media, powerful politicians, the military etc) will choose to compromise with the far right instead of the left. This is how

Again, I don’t know what socialist party you are referring to. There are several different socialist parties across the country. There are probably some national ones as well, but I don’t know of them. But DSA is not a political party. They do not run candidates. AOC is a member of DSA. But her political party is

Socialism is a belief about how production and distribution should be organized. Democratic is a belief about how people should govern themselves. Being a democratic socialists has nothing to do with what political party you are a part of. There are democratic socialists in several socialist parties as well as in the

Dude did you just massively self-own? I mean if you want to take pride in participating in a nebulous bureaucracy that specializes in presenting obstacles in the paths of anyone who would like to fight for some reform, then I just don’t know what to say. Good for you?

Nah. Even if that’s the case, she’s pointing out how absurd it is that a propertied class rep like Crowley- who doesn’t even live in NY- could represent that area and have tax/asset ties to it without residing there and yet can’t simply change his address to the state where he actually lives, owns a home, raises his

DSA is not a party. Sanders is not a Democrat- it’s true. He’s an Independent. He is also NOT a member of DSA. AOC is a member of DSA. She is also a Democrat. 

It’s amazing that you or anyone could believe this and say that it’s the left (not the right) running on identity politics.

Best I can tell, the reason is that he could easily get off the ballot by simply registering to vote in the district where he lives in VA. And he says he won’t do that because he wants to maintain residence in NY.

I agree it won’t be so easy for him to change his residency but that’s because he’s likely wealthy and

OK, I’m not from the region, but how will we go through this with Nixon? States differ, but either she’s running as a Dem in the Dem primary against Cuomo, or it’s an open field primary and she and Cuomo are likely to be the top contenders, in either case I don’t see how this is going to affect the general in the same