
Thanks, that was helpful! 

Right, but what I’m asking is- let’s pretend he wins because more Democrats vote for him as the third party candidate. I know this won’t happen, but play along. If he wins and is elected to Congress as a third party candidate, does that mean he can still caucus with the Dems, get DNC funding, etc? Is he still a Dem in

Yes and what’s troubling is that when they are forced to make a choice, they will compromise with Republicans before they will compromise with the left.

Confused about this though. Crowley’s still on the ballot as a third party right? So him having any chance of winning or splitting the vote would mean that loads of traditional Dem voters would have to vote for the third party candidate. So if that were to happen and Crowley won, then it would mean a Dem loss. He is

Maybe? I assume that acting is a job like any and a set is a workplace like any. There are plenty of people that I work with who I know during our hours at work in our workplace, and even though we’ve worked together for years, I don’t know anything more about them than that. It seems reasonable that a similar thing

I agree with you entirely here. That’s why I was saying I think the only strategic option we really have is going after the profit line- pressuring businesses (through labor and boycotts and brand smearing) to break contracts with ICE and private prison companies and then on the electoral front to refuse to vote for

lol, I’m in a rural area in a red southern state, so try again.

Trump received slightly more votes than Romney did. The population also grows so it’s stupid to look at whole numbers in that way. If you look at percentage of voters, it was the same. They both got about 47% of the vote. The GOP vote has been mostly stabl

I’m not sure why you are blaming protestors and activists (many of whom have been fighting ICE for over a decade) for the government’s atrocities. They are literally arresting protestors at gun point by the hundreds, raiding encampments, targeting activists, infiltrating organizations, etc. It’s possible that we won’t

Really? Have you talked to many of them? We aren’t talking about Trump voters here- Republicans going to do what Republicans do- they were never an option for the Dems in the first place. The same number of GOP voters voted GOP this time as last. It was the Dem votes that were less- they didn’t vote for Hilary. And eve

Wow, ok you are right. This is what I need to practice. I think I need to get a few sentences down b/c mine will push- it’s just his opinions, why can’t I be tolerant of his opinions, if I close myself off from all other points of view, blah blah blah. I need a refrain like you have. Very impressed, thank you so much.

I don’t know wtf that has to do with your meme. You are trying to show that you repeat propaganda? OK. There is a narrative that intense media focus for one week on some stupid ass aspect of her career caused millions of people to not vote for her? As opposed to the decades of baggage and hatred against her that came

I think the trick is to follow the money. Any companies doing business with ICE or the private prison system? Any local municipalities cooperating with ICE (sometimes they lease out spaces in local jails for example- your city council can forbid this)? Any local politicians cooperating with ICE or taking campaign

lol The funniest part about this is that you first just wrote that I’m an idiot and then had to come back later and edit it to troll harder.

This, but not ironically.

I think you are giving them too much credit. Republicans hate immigrants simply because they know that if they don’t start implementing white supremacists controls on who gets representation in our society, the GOP will soon become obsolete due to demographic changes. 

This meme is a denial of reality. If you want to make a case that people who did not vote for Hilary caused this, then do so honestly. Why not show a picture of slave markets in Libya? “But her wars for regime change.” Or photos of families in private for profit immigrant prisons and “But her support and expansion of

I’m dealing with this right now. I don’t live near them, and I’ve avoided seeing them for a couple years, but they are coming to visit now. I’m thinking of implementing this rule myself as the alternative is to tell them clearly to just get out of my life forever. I don’t want to burn that bridge yet, so I’m thinking

No that’s a bad thing. I wish liberals would stop it. The FBI and the CIA are not good guys. Just because they sort of dislike the president does not mean they are your friends or allies, and you CAN build a people’s movement that does not include them. They murder people, overthrow governments, set people up for

Oh go fuck off with that. Most comparisons to Nazis are hyperbolic, but this shit ain’t. It’s nearly a step-by-step play book. They aren’t gassing people by the millions but the Nazis didn’t wake up one day and start doing that either. They started the way this admin is, and so it’s smart and good and wholesome to

Plenty of people are organized and fighting. Also I’d say it has had some effect. A few months back, most Americans had not heard of ICE and now calling for its abolition is a mainstream demand. I don’t know if there is any hope long term, but short term I’d say that Americans are doing a pretty good job of showing