
I agree with you about most, not all Americorps programs. I think they are no longer connected to TFA, but it has been my experience that TFA doesn’t work either for the majority of people. I could go on about that, but I just wanted to log in and say that I agree with you.

I’m not even going to get into a discussion about how to organize workplaces in a thread about Matt Damon being a prick. Again, my point is only that being a boss does not mean it’s not douchebag behavior to interrupt people and talk over them in meetings. Your experiences with workplace organization is not similar to

lol, I judge them harshly on the basis that they appeared in a reality show in the first place!

Gosh I really can’t think of a worst job than having to edit this show. I still don’t understand the premise of the show. Is it a reality show about people trying to be film makers, and if so, did the film ever get made? Or is it a documentary show about making a film?

Two things about that. No sorry, three.

I don’t see how that is a defense of his behavior. Just because he is rich acts in a douchebag way that is common among rich bosses in Hollywood doesn’t mean he’s any less of a douchebag. Again, I’m not sure if I’m misreading your statement and you just meant it as an observation? Yes, of course Matt Damon is the rich

Again, there is literally not enough qualified people in most of these places to do all the work that needs to be done. I don’t think your concerns (though well intended) are on equal footing with the opinions of local people who are eager to bring in the PC because it is good for their towns. I do share your concerns

I saw that, but I’m confused what that is. Like, a reality TV show about real people who are making movies? Or a mockumentary type thing? Or is it really a documentary about the making of a movie? Sorry I’m out of touch, and all three seem really boring.

I don’t know if you are joking here, but do you think it’s a normal or respectful workplace practice for bosses to interrupt and speak over their employees in a meeting?

I think these are well-intended questions, and the answer does hit a bit on white saviorism (or actually, upper class saviorism as the PC is pretty diverse) and -moreso- on the youthful desire to travel / have an adventure somewhere new. These are motivations that would not apply to the majority of youngsters in their

Yes it is annoying and racists when people say they are going to go save “Africa” for sure. But I think if we are going to criticize volunteers that build schools, we’d better have some suggestions in place about how to better provide them.

Dude. I seriously don’t think you know what you are talking about here. The reason there aren’t schools in many places in the world is because of bureaucracy, government and expense, and yes it’s true that some organizations and NGOs have established networks (lawyers, government allies, local community activists)

Well hold up. Isn’t the whole point that she will have the support of a network of people who do know how to do things plus funding plus permits and permissions from the government plus a local community that needs this thing and has land for it and students for it, etc?

Plus he interrupted her and then spoke over her. Ugh.

Yeah, it’s amazing how so many of the financial transactions that make people a lot of money (and also contribute booms and busts in our larger economy) produce absolutely nothing. It’s literally just people getting rich off of bundling debt and moving it around.

Yeah it’s not that I want to be RICH, but rather that

I think we have to stop thinking about millennials as very young. Technically of course you are correct, but older millennials are in their mid 30s now so while 20 years is a bit long, plenty of them have are in relationships that are well into their second decade. Plenty of them own homes and have children in their

No because that would fall under the category of causing serious harm to others which I already excluded.

Whoa, you are extrapolating a lot and reading my tone totally incorrectly. I was honestly asking- I thought you really meant you knew someone who has gone through a divorce for those reasons. I’m not trying to appear smug about my marriage or my feelings- where in the world do you get off on saying something like that

Well there are crazy people out there with insane amounts of jealousy so I wasn’t sure what you meant. Divorcing someone for pursuing an affair is very different from divorcing someone b/c they find an ex on FB and you are worried they will pursue an affair.

Yeah I think life is often pretty weird and random, and a lot of time the narratives of our life stories only make sense after they’ve already happened. I don’t know at what point I would never have left my husband- at what point it becomes the thing that you’ve built your life around rather than a potential thing you