
Yeah now that I’m thinking about it, I guess I should add that I wouldn’t do something that has a very high risk of injury or death to myself or others. So as for literally eating shit or playing with snakes, I guess I’d have some follow up questions about safety, but I can’t automatically say I wouldn’t do it.

Yes if someone asked me that NOW, I’d say the same. I’ve been married for almost twenty years. There’s no amount of money that could replace that.

But if you had asked me the same question, say 17 years ago, when I was desperately poor and in a three year relationship with a wonderful man who I loved, I’d have left for

Wait, you are saying that people divorced their partners because their partners looked at their ex’s facebook pages?

Yeah, but that’s a different question. As a person who does not have student debt, has my health care provided for the government, and who is able to have a decent income, I would choose love. Yes, that’s because love is farther down on the hierarchy of needs, and your immediate survival is already accounted for. If

I wouldn’t seriously harm or injure a person or an animal for any amount of money. I also wouldn’t take any risks that could send me to prison. But beyond that? Yeah I’d do most anything.

It’s always fun to think of when you’d be willing to do something for money. Would I have sex with X person for 500 bucks. Hell no! But once you start talking about the tens of thousands, my responses shift more to practical considerations (what do you mean by sex?). And when you get to the hundreds of thousands, a

I think there’s a difference between saying you want to be in a relationship with someone who has similar lifestyle/income/career priorities vs saying you’d be willing to leave your relationship if you got a better job elsewhere. The second scenario (the one discussed in the article) does not mean the two people have

Bullshit. It’s about the wording of the question. “Ending a relationship” is not such a big deal. Most relationships are just two people who generally like one another whose life circumstances have made them compatible in that moment. That does not mean they’d dump their partner of 25 years for a job. There’s a

Mine was after they left the prison and ended up in the suburb. I don’t know what season that was. The prison plot seemed like a pretty good dystopian community story line to me. But then they end up in the suburbs- in those giant McMansions and groomed lawns with everyone freshly showered and wearing nice clothes. I

Gross. Plus that guy is really gross as well. And he had to point out how many children HE’S conceived so he knows all about it. Just gross.

Honestly I don’t give a shit about Bernie and I’m not sure what he has to do with this conversation or why you keep going on about him.

I totally agree with this post. When I said she’s irrelevant, I meant as anything more than an icon NOW. Her work in the past and her lifestory are both still relevant. But her opinions now need to be taken for what they are. We should listen to her because she’s an elder that has shaped the world we live in today and

Your extrapolation is strong. Did I say Bernie Sanders was the answer? I supported him in the primary for the same reason I supported Hilary in the general- he was the lesser evil candidate. He was right about some things. He also has a history of supporting US imperialism though much less than Hilary and unlike her,

You seem really nice.


Yeah that’s how I took it too. Spencer is a harmless novelty to many of these white people. They think it’s shocking and cute that he’s toying with fascism. They want to hear what he has to say because they enjoy the theater of it all. Of course if any of what he had to say actually touched THEIR lives or threatened

Fascism for the lols. They remind me of immature teens saying things for shock value.

I think two things are going on. The first is what you’ve said. People with horrible views can go online and find other people with horrible views, and they can organize together and thrive in an echo chamber and radicalize others like them. That is happening, you are correct. But there’s a second thing happening too.

George Bush Jr absolutely attended CPAC. I agree with your sentiments here and in the OP, both about how crazy it all is that extremists are so normalized and about how there’s no way a group of POC of any kind could get away with a gathering like this. At the same time, it’s not new- the only thing that’s new is that

No, they were calling her Lady Di despite the fact that she was technically Princess Diana after marriage and no longer Lady. Just like they called Prince Andrew’s wife Fergie instead of Duchess Sarah or how the Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother was simply called the Queen Mum and Duchess Camilla is still called