
I think the movie is a bad idea for lots of reasons, but the fact that Polanski was a part of the story is not one of them.

Yes exactly. He’d exploit the violence like he does with historic events and fictional events. There isn’t enough distance here for that to be OK.

Well to be fair, you can’t tell that story without having Polanski as a character since the Manson murders happened at his house and killed his pregnant wife.

Tarantino has problems with respecting his films more than people. He put Uma in a situation where she could’ve been seriously injured or killed. He has done this to other actors, men and women, over the years. I do not think this was necessarily misogynistic. It is about his ego and his mania, and it has a

I don’t recall Grace filing a criminal complaint.

Two things here.

I don’t think what Ansari did was illegal. Or how his actions fit any of those criteria.

I agree with this. Especially in the 70s, when age of consent laws weren’t enforced like they are now. Statutory rape is different than rape.

Age of consent is much more lax in Europe and generally lower than here. This is today. Back in the 70s, when it was more lax even in the US, it was even moreso there. Plenty of places in Europe today have age of consent set at 14. I think in Poland and France it’s 15, no?

Nah, I think it depends on what he says now. Polanski raped that girl, and no one believed her story. This is because of old boy’s clubs and attitudes towards men as predators that are finally becoming unacceptable. Most men would’ve agreed with them at the time, then fewer when Tarantino said what he did, but still

No, it’s totally accurate. As I said, the drone strikes have done more to A) increase terrorism and B) destroy US reputation abroad as anything OTHER THAN Bush’s invasion. If you don’t think this is true, I recommend you talk to people from countries where the US regularly uses drones to blow up their homes, hospitals

This isn’t just about customer service. If you have any job that deals with the public, you discover that people are awful. There are various ways to respond to that. Most people figure out how to make peace with it or find purpose in their jobs anyway or at least to take the path of least resistance by grinning and

Yup. The only person who ever hardcore tried to convince me to have children was my gyn. At first, I thought it was just because he was also an ob and would make more money. But then I found out he was a conservative christian so I wondered if there was some women’s duties stuff going on there.

Satanists are actually really ethical people who use the label as shock value. I think it’s immature, but they do good work.

Seriously. I don’t know why she acted the way she did either. Maybe she’s an idiot. Maybe she was scared. Maybe she’s a drama queen.

I appreciate this conversation, but you don’t have to wring your hands over it. If men stop being aggressive, the only thing that will change is that men will stop being aggressive. You really don’t think there is any way to have sex without men being aggressive?

I think experienced guys in their 30s who do porn moves like shoving fingers down a woman’s throat on the first date should be humiliated. The correct response would’ve been to laugh in his face, tell him that she was hot for him until he started acting like he was something out of pornhub, then leave. I guarantee you

Yeah and to be fair, in that situation, the oral sex would be the most common experience. I’ve never had someone ask me to just sit there and play with hair.

Yup. I don’t think he assaulted her and I don’t think he did anything illegal. But he acted like an asshole and yes when you are young you may not know how to handle it. AND it’s important to have this conversation because so many women have to go through this when we are young.

I think it’s reasonable that if you date a very young person when you are a decade older and more experienced, that you’d check in to see that the younger person is cool. This isn’t new. Also I’m not totally on board with her version of events either, but it’s stupid to pretend that there’s no difference between 23