
She’s early twenties, he’s ten years older. She’s a photographer new to the biz, he’s a rich star.

I don’t think that it is about it being puritanical. It’s because this is something really common in online porn, and we’re all just sort of sick of guys who do things not because you are interested but because it’s something they’ve seen in porn. I’m sure there are plenty of people who get off on having guys shove

Yeah he’s pretty lackluster. I don’t usually see movies based on the actors anyway unless it’s someone I just want to stare at for hours. (Oscar Isaac, hello!). I usually see movies based on the director or the plot, and if Marky Mark is in it, that wouldn’t dissuade me necessarily. The Departed was really good, and

Well now you’re just contradicting yourself. But I remember talking to you in the past. I think it was a year ago, and you were very quick to insult and take offense and generally to be one of the most unpleasant people I’ve ever talked to on this site. Then I forgot about it, or I would never have replied in the

Nope. It’s justifiable to restrain someone in that situation if you really thought she was going to attack the other person. What makes this person a freak is that he loses his fucking mind AFTER he’s restrained her. He has her on the ground, restrained, and THEN he starts pounding her head repeatedly while screaming

Yes? As I said, Trump does not have as much blood on his hands YET. The GOP is always worse than the Dems in just about everything, and war abroad too. But drone strikes are not the only thing Obama ever did. Though it’s worth considering that this is probably his greatest legacy to the world and did more to enhance

The fact that Manning is a transwoman is important for reasons of representation, sure. But that’s not what’s important about her nor what she brings to the national discussion as an activist nor what she mostly focuses on. I hope she continues to be an advocate for trans rights, but her main message has been about

Also the Horton pics and tone were created by a campaign specifically to play on existing racism in order to benefit a politician which is very different from this- a legitimate video of real time injustice recorded by someone with no agenda at all other than to help this woman and prevent this sort of thing from

Yes she is using the situation politically, but I don’t think it’s exploitative in this context. When someone uses something for “political” reasons that has come to mean nasty things like self-promotion or profit. But “political” also means fighting for our lives and fighting to protect others. And in this situation,

A very strong understanding of the military-industrial complex and imperialism combined with the ability to articulate that to the rest of the country. I don’t know if she can win, but if she can get a conversation going about that, then I think she’ll be doing a huge public service.

Yeah seriously. Who cares if Trump fucks prostitutes? He paid hush money not because of his concerns over a revelation that he fucks prostitutes, but because she’s got something on him that would embarrass him- like a pic of him in his underwear or something.

It really makes no difference to people who’ve had their civilizations destroyed if the POTUS felt bad about it or not.

I agree with that, but let’s not pretend Obama’s hands are clean in Yemen. Last thing he did as president was the first direct US operation there- Trump just continued it. And for years before that, Obama enabled and supported the KSA assault on Yemen that turned the surface of that country into the face of the moon.

It doesn’t matter to the hatred of the circumstance, but I’m curious. Why did he want her to leave in the first place?

There’s no way. He went from inappropriate hostility to straight on hate-fueled rage. This is someone who will one day flip and murder someone.

Nah. The voted-for-Trump contingent is loud and proud.

He fucked black women and then gave himself a cookie for how open-minded that made him.

Yeah, I admit that people can radically transform. But the first step is to acknowledge the reality that necessitates the transformation. That’s not semi-racist. That some white supremacist white ethnostate shit.

Then afterwards, they’ll tell you how no other generation has ever made such great music.

Yes I know. I didn’t mean to respond in a humorless way though the older I get, the more I become a killjoy. It bothers me the way people rush to characterize these SV billionaires as brilliant minds that are socially awkward. They are neither so brilliant nor so harmless.