
I’m not a Marky Mark fan by any means, but he has landed some roles in good movies.

I think he’s good at a narrow range of characters if he’s directed by a good director. But certainly he’s not great, he never shines, there’s nothing special about him. He’s a bro dude with violence right beneath the surface. I’ve been around guys like that all my life. It’s a combo of luck and a little bit of talent-

Yup. Exactly! Sorry if it sounded like I was contradicting you. I just meant to clarify and indulge my own nerdy desire to ramble on about these things, ha ha! 

Yeah and I think it works for Luke too. He was the New Hope, but all the success he had was when he took what he learned about the Force and applied it to the community- his adventures with the rebellion and with his friends. Repeatedly this is the theme for Luke- when he left his training early, etc. Then as he got

They are writers. They are playing with themes and character arcs. They know what they want to achieve, and then they think of how they can move the plot pieces around to achieve it. I’m not saying they are just trying to fill pages. I think the movie was full of themes that were obviously very well thought out.


I’m OK with it. I think it’s much more in-line with what Yoda originally taught Luke rather than all that bullshit about force bugs in the blood.

Yeah exactly. I think it’s a bigger theme in the movie actually. The old way is over. All the esoteric stuff worked when you had a Jedi community, but with that gone, you just have these mad old teachers on planets by themselves (how Obi Won, Yoda and Luke all ended up) and they can’t fight the empire by themselves. A

Nah. That would make Leia look weaker than she is. She can do it herself. She’s not some damsel. Second, that would make Kylo stronger than he is. He didn’t do most of the projections himself. He’s done what he was told the entire time, and he didn’t rebel until he thought he had a chance to grab power. He might’ve

I love Star Wars, but let’s be honest. The movie has ALWAYS been about selling toys. That did not start with Disney, as my own childhood bedroom and the bedrooms of all of my friends will contest. Back in the early 80s.

I think as much as fans like to think there are deeper meanings behind everything, that’s not really how story writing goes. The narrative needed a reason to develop the character arcs of both Poe and Finn, and that required Leia to be out of commission for a while. It gave Finn the space to have the adventure with

When it comes to the prequels, I find it usually comes down to:

Yes that is exactly what it is. SV is such a bizarre place that it’s becoming routine among these weirdo rich fucks to have parties like this. They are not advertised as such, normal business goes down too, and other people have said that they also did not know it was a sex party and did not see the sex/drugs. Either

Nah. His wife had a million kids then he left her and has been dating young celebs since then. All these SV rich guys know how to fuck- they are not stereotypes from the Big Bang Theory. That said, there are other stories circulating that corroborate Musk’s experience here.

Re: Musk. I think he’s a douche so I’m not defending him as a fan. But other people who were at the party have leaked their accounts of the evening, and they do make Musk’s version of the story believable. Apparently it WAS a venture capitalist business thing, which is creepy in and of itself- that these assholes

I’m down with allowing dogs more places for sure. I think, as a society, we need to get over our feeling that children are annoying nuisances. It’s not good for the kids, not good for the society, and especially isolating for the caregivers, who are mostly women. Every time I hear a person complain about children on a

I dunno. My assumption would be they’d want to plan a dog specifically for this task and environment and it’s easier to do that with a puppy. Why would you think it’s odd otherwise? Is that not the normal way to train a dog for a specific job?

Not an animal behaviorist so maybe I shouldn’t answer, but as a dog owner I can say that once you have trained a dog to do a thing (in this case respond to the identified smell and sit) then the dog will do it without reward most of the time. So my guess is you could train him first “in the field” just the way you

Go kick yourself in the balls, Chird. Then shut the fuck up.

Yeah I’ve shaved my head before and had the same response. As for the getting ugly thing, I think we are all taking it too literally. But then again, maybe I’m wrong. I decided a long time ago (in my teen years) just not to bother with being pretty. That doesn’t mean being ugly. But you really can just stop caring

Nobody asked for your permission or approval, dude.