
The world is violent and compromise leads to people taking power over you. The risk of any encounter’s escalation into physical assault is one of the things that makes men go out of their way to bolster their bro’s egos or show them respect. They have a completely different approach with women partially because there

Not that anyone needs your approval, and honestly I don’t give a shit if someone who repeatedly humiliates and assaults me is put in excrutiating pain. But you’ve missed the point.

Well that’s the thing with patriarchy. It’s everywhere. We aren’t going to find a place where it doesn’t exist in our society.

No your understanding of her identification being inevitable seems correct, and I don’t know if the poster responding to you misunderstood that or was just emphasizing her own point. Your problem is in not understanding D’s own sense of empowerment and agency. I know you mean to be well intentioned, but not being able

Yes there is a story to tell about that, but right now the story in front of your face- about Erica- is more important. You are doing exactly what you are accusing others of doing. Don’t distract from Erica’s story with another right now. And anyway, I doubt very seriously that Kirsten West Savali was a part of the

Wow. This is so good. Thank you.

If the Boomers would just stop eating avocados and buying iPhones, maybe they could afford their own goddamn retirement.

Even with all that, people don’t need to have more babies. What future are we giving them? Climate change and never ending war? And what about the millions of people around the world desperate to come to a safe country, get a job, pay taxes, have a normal life? Why not let them fund the Boomers’ retirement? Paul Ryan

The appalling mortality rates mostly apply to nonwhite people, so this is actually perfectly consistent with what they want.

That’s funny because I would like Paul Ryan to have a terminal illness.

Too bad decades of GOP policy has made the country nearly unlivable for anyone except the very rich and the world unlivable for anyone born in future decades.

Here’s a formula we should all learn:

Julian was going to run. I don’t know if he ever officially announced, but the noise around it was that he thought it would be better for Texas and the Dem party to put all our support behind one person rather than split in a primary, and Beto was more popular. I don’t know that much about Julian, but the reputation

Preach! Yup, agree entirely. I do think (hope?) they got the message? They shut up about all that compromise and didn’t do it in Alabama. I dunno. I have no faith in the Dem party anymore though of course I’ll vote for them over GOP when I have to.

Thanks, sounds like your family members are more reasonable than mine (the bigoted MAGA ones I mean). Our family is biracial and full of immigrants, documented and not. This does not prevent the jerks among them from being what they are, unfortunately. Sounds like you have gotten good at pointing out things that make

Again, I don’t see why having two would hurt the chances of either winning. If anything, it seems like it would increase turn out because of both the hype and the stakes. But what do I know about Minn?

TX on the other hand, I know extremely well. It’s really unlikely Beto will win. That said, I would’ve considered it

Yes this is the case for most of the country- the myth of red and blue states. Really, the country is pretty damn purple, it’s mostly just about the ratio of cities to rural areas and demographic trends. That’s why I said the best thing for Dems to do is focus on their ground game. They have had really shitty strategy

I guess it decreases chances because Franken wouldn’t have been up so worst case scenario, only Klobuchar could lose her seat and you’d have one GOP senator. I mean, it’s impossible for them both to lose their seats if only one is running, so now that is a possibility whereas it wasn’t before. Like I said, I’m not too

Why do you think that would make a difference? Seriously, I’m not down on Minn politics. But if both senators are up, the voters will vote in both races, so I don’t see what difference it makes if both are up at the same time. Has Klobuchar been involved in some scandal or is she unpopular? I don’t see what one has to

Unless she screws up, I don’t see why she’d be any less likely to win than would Franken. The same Dems and progressives that came out for Franken should come out for her, unless she does something regressive or stupid. And as for moderates and conservatives, I doubt very seriously any of them ever voted for Franken

And bonus- she’s not a celebrity with a past career as a comedian!