
Yup. They can be single-issue voters and continue to vote GOP. The Dems need to leave them be and figure out how to make up for their loss by responding to the needs of the disaffected and the disenfranchised. They also need to actually start grassroots organizing and stop relying on stupid algorithms and top-down

I mean, on top of what I just said, attempting to carve out common ground with the small percentage of single-issue white women who might be won over that way is likely to alienate a similarly small percentage of pro-choice women who will not vote for any compromising candidates.  

Yeah I get that, I’m just saying that as far as strategies go (as well as ethics), the Dems have two choices. A- The first is to try to woo voters who are single-topic voters or moderates/fence riders. They can do this by compromising on certain stances or moving to the right. B- The second is to completely dismiss

It’s been my experience that real progressive grassroots activism and voter engagement are on the rise in red states in a way that you don’t find at all in blue states where liberals think everything is fine.

People have got to stop it with this white working class myth. This is a simplistic narrative that a few media outlets grabbed hold of to explain the election. White working class people voted more red than blue, but so do white middle class people and white wealthy people. The biggest difference is about whether or

I disagree with that. I say, fuck those people. The Dems should let them go instead of trying to court them. HALF of the population does not vote because they are disaffected. In most states, people who have been disenfranchised can be registered again, even if they have felonies. People who are cynical and sick of

I have a question here about this. My Twitter feed is full of black people saying stuff like “white people need to start calling out their family members” or whatever on racism. It’s a sentiment I’ve been hearing a lot lately- that white people are hypocrites for getting through the holidays with their racist

My experience is that guys don’t notice any of the things like that, but they notice if you don’t do them. Like, not the details, but the overall effect. There are loads of guys that say things about how they like natural down to earth women, and then you look at the women they find attractive and as a woman you can

Every teacher and counselor and parent ever that told kids, several times a week for years and years of their childhoods, to take loans for college. Every parent, sibling, friend, realtor, TV personality that said that owning a home is always better than renting.

Can I just point out that damnjackie is not saying that her options are all that are available or that marrying a rich man is the solution. She is talking about her own experience- that she could’ve married for money, she held out for love, did not find it, and is now single and poor. This is her experience and those

I really think this man has no idea how fat he is.

I remember when the optics were way better. When we had a president that ramped up the powers of the Patriot Act, increased govt survellience, militarized the police, increased deportations and detention centers, ramped up the drone war, and increased US military actions in several countries but did it all while

Yes for sure. Just wanting to clarify because there is a problem with both the idea of the “good immigrant” and the “good abortion”.

I spent years teaching high school students. I’m sure it depends on where you live and what sorts of schools you go to and neighborhoods you grow up in, but I’ve had plenty of students that could not sit down and write a letter like that at 17, unfortunately. I’ve also had plenty that could. So it isn’t odd to wonder.

Immigrants and young women are no more thoughtful or less thoughtful than anyone else. The average person is not very thoughtful nor eloquent. I know it sounds like I’m being really nit-picky here, but this is actually an important point. Everyone, even unthoughtful people, even rude and lazy and stupid people,

This isn’t the first case like this, and it’s unlikely to be the last. They can appeal the legal findings. There’s nothing they can do to Jane Doe now, but they can set precedent for future undocumented girls.

I’m sure they all variously have their own justification for their bigotry and misogyny. Some of the things that stated included: not wanting undocumented immigrants to use Texas as a place to seek abortions, wanting the girl to self-deport with the fetus, and wanting Americans to adopt the baby and then send the girl

Yes it would be inconvenient, probably stressful for the week, probably result in increased work load for both of you, and yes it might cost you a little money in childcare (though I know plenty of people who managed this without childcare even with small children- it’s not like your husband will be unable to walk,

Look, I get what you are saying and I really do believe you are coming from a good place, and yes I was also frustrated with people who didn’t vote. But don’t pretend that there aren’t real differences that people have with the Democrats. This might surprise you, but it’s perfectly possible to acknowledge that the two

Yeah. Fuck.