
Unless they were conceived while you were abroad on vacation or work trip, in which case you might be detained in a detention center or interrogated for smuggling.

They came on my radar when they did a drive for tampon/pad donations for homeless women. My initial response is that it’s a little silly that they call themselves Satanists- like, why? But then I realized how powerful that is- to challenge concepts of religion in public life. If you want to skew the lines of church

Seriously. Brilliant idea.

Seriously. My response to that shit has always been, well if it’s a person with rights, then take it out of me and let it do its own thing independent of me. If I had a baby I didn’t want, I could give it over to the state. No one can force me to keep it. Same with the embryo. Take it out of me and if you want to

That sounds horrible. Take care of yourself. You will not be pregnant nor the mother of small children forever, even though it feels that way sometimes.

I don’t know how to deal anymore. Shit like this makes me want to just curl up in a ball and hide from the world. It’s terrible to know just how hated and dehumanized you are. It’s starting to affect my mental state- like I’m on the bus and looking at the guys and wondering which among them would take away my rights,

Yes if he has a job that requires him to be physical, then you’d want to take longer. But if he has a desk job, the weekend will be plenty, just take it easy the next week. I’m not trying to pooh-pooh away the concerns he has over taking off work considering how employers have us all by the balls and the economy is so

He could do it on a Friday afternoon. Take off four hours and spend the weekend in bed checking email. Seriously it’s not worth the anxiety that you have around YOUR LIFE.

It can’t be said enough, sister. FUCK THEM. Let’s shout it from the rooftops.

Yeah they don’t care about embryos, fetuses or children (or humanity in general) but they care A LOT about maintaining the white supremacist patriarchy on which their capitalism rests. They care about controlling and shaming women, especially black women.

I hope they do. I hope they all turn out en mass and vote for a third party and change this fucking miserable system.

Pink, I don’t know what in the world you are trying to say. The statement that you are referring to is only one sentence and it says “if your wife...”

WHAT? The statement was about the person’s wife (obviously a loved one) is subjected to the policies described in the article (which yes violate rights of privacy and due process). This is getting really weird.

Sure, buddy, but go back and read the context of this discussion. You are saying people wouldn’t leave because they came here because it was better for them. I’m telling you that this is not how immigration works for plenty of people, as I explained. As situations change, people’s decisions change, and as it gets

No. The one is arguing about the best way to handle legitimate concerns. The other is arguing about the best way to express legitimate concerns. Surely you see the difference? I can tell you do by this post. It’s the heavy handed “please stop” shit that got me, to be honest. Please stop freaking out about your loved

First off Pink, it’s not up to you how people express their completely legitimate fear and concern. You don’t get to decide what’s hysterical.

Yeah I agree. It stinks of the grandparent test.

Basically your whole post is: “I agree this is a problem but I disapprove of the tone you use to express this problem”. To which, as someone connected by birth, family, marriage and friendship to immigrants who have to deal with increasing loads of bullshit, insecurities and targeted attacks over the post-Patriot Act

People immigrate for all sorts of reasons. I’ve found that Americans generally have the feeling that all immigrants are seeking refuge or better jobs or freedom or whatever. This is probably true of the majority of them, especially in some regions. But it’s only part of the immigrant story, and I think people in other

This might blow your mind, so you might just want to wrap your hands around your skull to hold the bits of brain in place. The word “minority” does not mean “dark skin”.