
Yeah of course you were. The point is that you made a sweeping statement about sex without considering that what you think is a default view isn’t necessarily. It’s just about the dick.

Hush, lady. I know you think you like that better, but it’s all in your MIND. Just think about how taboo it is that I’m fucking your ass and I’m sure this thrusting will eventually stimulate you in the exact same way.

Naturally if he was sending out naked pics to willing adult women, that might make him a bad husband (depending on their arrangement) but it’s irrelevant to his capacity to be a politician. I’d say it shows a lack of judgement when his wife is literally involved in one of the most scrutinized campaigns in the

It’s not having the photos that’s the problem. It’s sending them to people as a form of harassment.

And unless you are a creep, you don’t send them to women unsolicited either right?

NO. Dr Honk, that’s not OK.

Nah it doesn’t matter to NOLA, but it does matter to the story. The sort of idiot that wears a hat like that, demands that the police engage him because he has opinions, and demands that an unwilling woman just doing her job acknowledge his dick because he’s horny is EXACTLY the sort of person who really believes he

Make NOLA Fun Again for old fat stupid loudmouth creeps that can’t find willing sexual partners.

Nothing. The dude is an asshole and a creep. The cops are overreacting, volatile jerks. There are no good guys here.

What’s to see here? This is all perfectly normal.

I dunno who that Trump guy is either, but he sure can attract a crowd of old fat white people.

I think Obama was just the figure to get Americans behind their hatred. Now that he’s gone, they are having trouble selling their shit because it’s more transparent what they want. Here’s what they really mean to say:

Trump might be ignoring them, but there’s no way they didn’t weigh in. He knows what they think. That doesn’t mean he’s listening to it. But it’s inconceivable that neither the sec of defense nor the chief of staff nor the national security advisor has expressed an opinion, and it’s inconceivable that this opinion

I’m honestly not trying to disagree with you if it sounds like that. I’m trying to work out what is going on and you seem to be the only person on here who is really engaging without falling back on some stupid trope. So if I sound argumentative, I’m not being that way to contradict you but rather to work through

Nope. You don’t. What I want to hear is Americans realizing that, in terms of Trump’s foreign policy horrors, he’s totally normal. Americans have a very different view of their country’s foreign policy than does the rest of the world. Trump is holding up a mirror, and I feel like a lot of Americans are seeing their

Again, I don’t understand how you are ignoring all the examples of full super villains.

(meant tough guy, not touch guy)

This sort of thing is really strange to me. No. Powell, like most American military and political figures before him, was well-mannered and polite when he told the UN that the US was going to destroy Iraq with or without their support. If your point is that Trump is the first person to openly say it in a rude way,

The transgender thing is a good example. It’s like the Paris Accord or his earlier statements about working with Russia in Syria. Trump says all sorts of shit off the cuff, and then when he discovers that it’s more complicated or that he doesn’t have any support, he just drops the ball and does whatever generals tell

Let’s clear something up first because I’m curious what you think as I can’t figure it out myself.