
Bullshit. Obama expanded the powers of the executive branch, including right to surveillance, drones, extrajudicial murders abroad, black op sites, the Patriot Act expansion, the deportation machine, etc. Then he handed this shit over to Trump and went directly to make money from Wall Street less than a year later.

Well there are all sorts of ways to escape reality. One is wine. Another is to pretend that things were significantly better because the war-mongerer destroying civilizations all around the world was polite about it.

No shit, sweetie pie, as I said. I’m not sure why you think you are telling me something I don’t know, muffin cakes.

Don’t be ridiculous. Stephen Miller has no penis.

Yes, but it’s more complex than that. It’s not China. It’s also SK and Japan. Any first strike against NK is going to result in immediate retaliation against SK and Japan.

Yes that’s true. But he’s not the one making the decisions. You are correct that this is his personal motivation, and I’d add that Trump is such a toddler that he’s literally just thinking in “big tough guy” terms that he will take out KJU just because he thinks he’s a bad guy. So for sure, Trump is too much of an

I think they want to invade and occupy Iran before they have the chance to go nuclear.

Surely you haven’t forgotten the US invasion of Iraq just a few years ago and the presentation of that invasion before the UN?

I was just thinking of this this morning. It’s so obvious that I can’t believe I let myself not think it for so long.

No, far more likely he just goes on auto pilot reading and isn’t paying attention to what he’s saying until he gets to the bits he likes.

Yes, sorry if this is what you are trying to say and I’m misunderstanding.

The speech was written by Stephen Miller, and it’s no more crazy than any of the other speeches written by Stephen Miller. People need to stop acting like this was unique. It’s the same rhetoric in the inauguration speech. It’s basically just Stephen Miller now without Bannon’s influence (Bannon was more of an

No. He might’ve thrown a few words in here and there, but he is not capable of that speech off the cuff. It also doesn’t have his normal off-the-cuff style of filler words. Read the transcript and watch the whole thing, not just the clips. It was a prepared speech with a logical progression with far too many details

I’m hoping that some other people downthread have pointed this out until everyone is sick to death of reading it and it is seared on to your brain:

It’s not her English skills that got her there.

No shit. It’s responsible for the deaths of millions of people. What’s your point? Unless it’s just to be funny “machine guns” in which case, sorry I’m a bitch. I’m tired, and nothing seems funny anymore.

No, it’s actually very simple. The real sith is the military-industrial-financial machine. The representatives of it are the extremely wealthy- the top parts of the 1%. And the two parties are just their servants.

The problem isn’t progressive voters. It’s a lack of progressive candidates to vote for. There is literally a mass movement waiting for a leader.

Honestly I don’t know why guys do this. Like, is he just sitting around jacking off and thinking to himself, “I bet Julie at work would really like to see this”?

It’s men. The difference is that some companies enforce harassment policies. Others don’t have them. It’s not that the men are any different. They’d all harass everyone if they could. The question is, why doesn’t the media generally enforce harassment policies?