
As one of the olds, I saw antifa in the punk scene which did, at that time, include white supremacist skin heads (though you younger folk may not know that skin heads were not originally white supremacist) and antifa was there to fight them. As a woman, it was cool to have a group of people beating down the assholes

Maybe but that has not been my experience.

I think the media plays this shit up. I was at a one of the antiracist rallies recently in the crowd standing right behind antifa - there were families and the mayor of a nearby municipality and just regular protestors plus a bunch of other activist groups etc- we were all right behind the antifa folks. Some of the

Technically, it just means being antifascist. The difference between them and more liberal opposition to fascism is that they are using force rather than just nonviolent protest. In practice, they are leftists, but they range from socialists (even dem socialists) to communists to anarchists. It’s not an organized

Hey I think we need to clarify that anarchism does not mean causing violence. Neither does communism. So while all the antifascist groups are willing to respond with violence or fight nazis etc, and most of them are also somewhere on the anarcho-communist spectrum, that does not mean they or anarchists in general are

There isn’t really a difference between those two words unless it’s a fairly recent thing.

Some are anarchists. I think most people don’t know what that really means though as it doesn’t mean causing violence. Others are communists. Most are somewhere along the anarcho-communist lines. Some are just antifascists. But the thing that is missing is that the ones instigating violence (usually wanting a

Certainly not the Dems. That’s the whole point. And yet even still, voter turnout was around 50% which is not too far from national trends for elections in non presidential years, and he only got slightly over half of that vote. Now consider also gerrymandering, voter suppression and the fact that the Libertarian

I think Beto is going to come really close to taking Cruz’s seat. Well, rephrase that. He has a chance at it if he runs a smart and uncompromisingly progressive campaign. I don’t think he’ll actually win this time, but it will be close enough that I think the DNC will notice. On one hand, that’s great. On the other,

I think we agree on most things Semilla. I’m not saying there are more bigots in other places- rather that this is an American problem that is shared across the states. The white supremacists who want to establish an ethnostate have picked eastern WA and OR for that, and they are active there despite being in states

Nonsense. The rational thing to do is to build a party up from the base, not just pay attention during presidential elections and ignore everyone the rest of the year. You can’t ignore a place for years on every level and then campaign for president every four years and expect results. I don’t know where you live, but

Look, it’s not complicated. Look at a map of the US. The rural areas are mostly red. The urban areas are mostly blue. Now look at a map of Texas and you’ll see the exact same thing. So why are all those seats red? What’s the difference? Well it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that Texas is huge, that the

Yes. I’m so sick of this blaming the people when the DNC literally did not even bother campaigning in Texas AT ALL. And no Dem runs for many of the seats. And even still, every major city in Texas plus the entire valley is blue. The liberal politics in TExas have turned leftist- people are desperate for leadership.

Almost every state in the country was red in 2016 presidential. Texas is no different from any other state in the country on this measure- it has blue cities in red rural areas. The difference is that it’s bigger and has more populated rural areas, not that it’s more conservative or more red. And locally, it’s highly

Texas is red countryside with blue cities- just like everywhere else in the country including whereever your state is. Houston is blue, probably way more diverse than your city, a science and university center, with a black dem mayor following its lesbian dem mayor. It’s a liberal place.

Specify it’s the GOP, not Texas, OK? Houston is a blue city, university ad science center, minority-majority, mayor is a black dem, mayor before him a lesbian dem, etc. Doubt any of these people support that shit. If you think the GOP can’t do this to your community too you might want to look around the country. We

Yes that’s all true, but people seem to shrug off her massive war mongering and fuck ups- not just a senator voting for Pat Act and Iraq and Afghanistan- but also as SoS destroying several governments around the world. Honestly, I don’t even think she’s less evil than Trump. Just less stupid.

Really? Regional perhaps, but for us, it was stuffing when you stuff it inside the bird and dressing when you bake it separately.

Honestly, I think that as terrifying as the world is right now, it would be even more terrifying if people just let themselves believe that Trump and these other assholes in control are complete and total unabashed idiots who are winging it based on nothing but their current whims and a desire to stir up approval and

Honest question here, what good shit? She’s been in politics for decades so I’m sure there is good shit, but I honestly can’t think of any right now.