
He’s a germaphobe. He’s actually incredibly prissy and high maintenance about loads of shit. So weird that he’s famous for being this tough guy man of the people bullshit. He wouldn’t sit on your couch. He wouldn’t pet your dog. He probably wears a different MAGA hat every time. 

Nah. The hurricane has nothing to do with it. In the first place, the pardon was planned already, the trans ban too- both he’s mentioned recently. In the second place, he’s not strategic or smart enough to think of that. But most importantly, I don’t know why people keep saying he’s doing these things under the cover

IMO, the time for contacting your local legislators is over. It does no good. We need a general strike. That will never happen. So we need to pressure big business to boycott, protest. They did for the bathroom bills, and the consequences of the loss of business is the only thing that stops state legislators for

Can he legally end DACA himself? I’m not super familiar with it, but was it passed by Congress or by EO? Can Trump just choose to end it?

In certain areas, 35 inches of rain will stand and cause problems. Generating electricity will be the least of your worries as your house will be flooded and you will be standing on the furniture if you stay put. In most places, the rain will wash to lower ground and through creeks and bayous, etc so the main risk is

You probably aren’t from the region? First off, most places don’t flood. The ones that do, you’re going to have to evacuate. For the vast majority of people, they will lose power but not flood. Even if their towns flood or the streets flood, most houses don’t. We’re talking millions of people- they aren’t all going to

Now playing

Actually, if anyone gives a shit (and if you don’t, fine, it’s fun), these pics capture split seconds when he’s just looking in that direction, and Melania and others do the same thing. When they are actually looking directly at the eclipse, they are in fact wearing the glasses. The pics are misleading. The whole

It’s like when anything really unexpected happens. Like when there is a public shooting, loads of people always say (from the safety of their couches and computers) how they would have fought off the shooter. But in real life, people mostly don’t. Or how in movies when someone does something really insulting, the

Yes of course Austin is cheaper than the Bay Area or NY. But then people move here from those places and drive up rents/prices here b/c they think it’s so cheap. It really doesn’t matter how cheap it is for people who live elsewhere. For the people who live here, they are being driven out of the city. They can’t

I’m hoping you are being sarcastic? Detroit is extremely segregated. I don’t know how racist it is as I do not live there, but I can’t believe that there’s something in the water that makes them less racist than everywhere else in the US.

Jesus, the elitism. And what the fuck is wrong with cowboy hats or sitting outside? The only weird thing is that you saw a place that had a lot of pests that were unfamiliar to you. Every other thing in your post is a projection of your own prejudice and feelings. Imagine if you had said something similar about a

In theory, whatever. But think about where that leads. Sugar related penalties? Sports related? Also who decides what’s the definition of natural? Butt sex? Eating red meat? Who enforces? Going to film how much sugar I put in my coffee? If I use a condom on my hookup? Investigate to see if I smoke? I get the logic

Also, it’s not just smokers that get lung disease and lung cancer.

Yes. Travis County Dems is really active, and because they’ve been entirely ignored by the DNC for years now, they are more progressive than many local county Dem orgs in areas that the DNC actively campaigns. They have a bit more leeway as well. That’s a good place to start. Depending on if you are a liberal Dem or a

Fuck you, Heartfelt. Seriously. I’m sure you think you are helping, but you aren’t.

And what city in the US are you pointing to as not racist or not segregated? And those property value rises are from people from outside moving in- let’s keep that in mind.

Yes I get really sick of this shit. We’re literally fighting for our lives, and the people who are supposed to be our allies just sneer and make insulting jokes that ridicule the people here who could maybe be won over if they didn’t RIGHTFULLY think that coastal urban liberals hate them.

Also the Valley and El Paso- totally blue, pretty big progressive scene.

Well that’s fine for you and your wife, but since Austin, Houston and Dallas are all among the ten fastest growing cities in the country, really the only thing you posted is “I would never live there”. Which is fine, but it’s demonstrably not a trend.

Sure, but the Democrats would never, in a million years, say they support candidates who are anti-gay marriage or whatever. It’s only women’s rights that are politically acceptable to ditch.