
Your one sentence response to my comment about the work the left was doing was:

Today the DNCC chair came out saying they would fund antichoice candidates.

You saying a thing (Bernie only for white men) without any evidence or context doesn’t make it so. But just to be pedantic, I want to point out that “unfortunately” has nothing whatsoever to do with what is surprising or expected. In any case, he is a flawed left of center career politician, like I said, that wavered

OMG are you really doing this on purpose? What I’m saying is, you have this idea that leftists are a bunch of white men. I understand that you have this idea based on some shit you read on Twitter or some shit you either misunderstood about the term ‘identity politics’ (and you didn’t respond to my discussion of it so

Nah. It’s already a minority majority state. The cities are growing- Houston and Austin are among the fastest growing cities in the country, and they are pretty liberal areas- Austin is basically leftist even. And every other big city in the state is already blue- San Antonio, Dallas, El Paso already- plus the entire

I guess the primary difference is that I don’t agree with the Dems 80% of the time. The only thing I agree with them on is their much better policies towards the environment and rights. If they also falter on the issue of rights, why in the world would I vote for them?

I’m really not sure what you are trying to say here since who was talking about setting up successful leftist governments? What I’m saying is that when you are actually working with orgs fighting for the things you are talking about (like, if you work with NARAL or NNAF or any of the immigrant and antiprison groups or

Yes I agree about Sanders. I criticised his campaign for the same reason. It’s also been over a year since the end of the primary and he has since just been back to working in Congress, mostly on issues that I support such as health care and opposition to DAPL etc.

Sometimes I wonder if you people are bots? You know, activism exists in real life too, not just online. And in real life, when you are working in leftist activism, some of the people are white and some are not. Some are men and some are not. They are actively working already on feminist and racial justice and

Also I have to add that it’s really bizarre to the point that I’m wondering if you are real to claim that it’s the left that is neglecting the sorts of rights that you’d categorize under “identity politics” when you are actually supporting Dems running prolife candidates that lobby against reproductive rights.

Nope. Well therein lie our major ideological differences. I’m from a red state too. It has the highest maternal mortality rate in the developed world, and this especially affects POC. And the Reps- far right and brutal as they get- are attacking women and closing clinics and all sorts of health care. The appropriate

Yes, Bernie did. As I said in my first post. Bernie, like most career politician Dems, had briefly backtracked a couple months ago. I asked what leftwing or progressive groups other than Democrats have done this? You are the one that keeps making statements about the left without defining what that means or responding

It’s going to happen in the next five years, unless there is some sort of structural collapse or massive movement to war. What you keep overlooking is that the majority of people want it. The Reps don’t represent the population on this issue, so it wouldn’t be about 45%- that would just be in Congress. The general

Wait a minute. How is having Democrats who are anti-choice not the same as having Democrats change their party’s platform? I get that they didn’t change the language in the mission statement, but if they are going to change their advocacy and legislation, then that is going against their platform.

Oh yes I agree that we need to hash out the details of whatever plan we put in place as it will work differently here than in other places (as you point out- it works differently everywhere). What I’m saying is that the Dems have a year to do this and another year to campaign on it. You are talking about the current

What I’m asking is, where are these far left voters that demand identity politics being dropped? Best I can tell, this is a strawman. Let’s even go with your definition of “far left” (which is ludicrous as I said) and include Bernie supporting progressive groups, DSA, Greens, Justice Democrats, Our Revolution,

First off, we aren’t talking about changes over time. We are talking about right now, the near future and the recent past. So sure, Democrats used to support slavery and Republicans were the party of Lincoln. A century from now, if the two parties still exist, they will be different again. We are seeing a similar

Crossposted with you, sorry. I deleted it so as not to be redundant.

Yes exactly.

I like Sanders, don’t get me wrong. I voted for him and think he did a lot of good, especially in the reaching out to disaffected voters, mobilizing the movement we have now, bringing issues of economic justice to the table, etc. But yes, he is on the progressive to Dem Socialist spectrum, though he’s not a member of