
A big part of the reason they can’t pass single payer in California is because of their leadership. Do you really think Nancy fucking Pelosi is a champion for this cause? She’s still not coming out for it, unless she did very recently and I missed it. It’s not the fault of the voters there who would overwhelmingly

That’s the whole point, rebound. If you stand for something, you aren’t trying to “figure out what the public wants” because those things change. Women should have the right to control their own bodies and any party with an ideology that cares about human rights and bodily autonomy would support this regardless of how

This sort of defeatism has to stop. I’m not big on playing up how the Dems won the popular vote because it still means they lost the prize and it’s the prize that matters. But we do need to point out that the Reps barely won. Barely. And when you look at the demographic breakdown by region and the people who voted vs

Yeah, exactly. What does obstruction get you? Well apparently control of Congress, control of the military, control of the presidency, control of the next few Supreme Court appointments, control of tax policy, etc.

On the contrary. It’s an actual political tactic that has played a major role in things such as labor rights, abolition of slavery, dismantling Jim Crow and Apartheid, etc. Obstruction for the sake of playing party politics might be useless, but obstruction with an actual goal is actually very powerful. It’s one way

I don’t know where you were a few months ago, but there were literally many discussions from DNC leadership about whether or not the Dems should compromise on abortion rights in order to attract certain demographics that vote Rep mostly because of that issue. Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders both said that we have to

Until they leave their party, they can fuck themselves. How can any of them have enough sense to realize it was wrong of their party to attempt to strip away health insurance from millions of people but still go along with them in other things? And fuck John McCain. Maybe his impending death has him worried if he

Yes, it’s not even that difficult and it’s literally what most people want.

Nonsense. The ACA should be scrapped, anyone in health care or anyone who is dealing with the insanely high premiums in some income groups will tell you this. It should not be scrapped and replaced with something even more terrible. That was the problem with the GOP.

Look folks, we have to really get together and understand the Dems. It’s important. They are on the same side as the Republicans- they side for profit, for their own power, for the status quo. It’s the side against us.

Maybe he meant north and east? I dunno. He’s an idiot.

He has a beautiful body, but his head is just all frat boy. I just can’t get into him.

He’s an attractive guy, but I still think of him as a boy. I’ve crossed into the age range where if I’ve seen the actor since he was a child (like with Dev) then it’s hard for me to see him as a man later. If he just came onto the scene now, looking like that, yes I’d be on board.

My experience was very similar to that, but I had a friend who was f-buddies with one of the dancers and so the het flirting was real. We went with someone’s 30th bday, and got a private dance for the bday gal. My friend’s buddy came along, flirted with my friend and the rest of his. After hours, we met up with those

I’m not sure what point you are trying to make here. What I said was:

No shit. I’ve had that job. They are staff providing security by monitoring the exhibits as I said.

No. He wants attention for his opinions on his own terms. This feeling that he is entitled to attention from other people on his own terms is what led him to follow this people and shout at them in the first place. Now he wants to make it sound less threatening- we’ll sit down and talk- but the core issue is still the

I think it’s code for: “I have an opinion about you that you must hear/clarify/respond to regardless of whatever else you might be doing right now because you are obligated to talk to me about my opinions about you or else you are a narrowminded asshole.” It’s the same line of logic that cat-callers use when they

Yeah that’s what I thought too. But I don’t know why we’d celebrate that. I mean, Macron is a prick, and this just shows that he’s as macho-insecure as Trump which is pathetic. This whole pissing contest is stupid.

OMG really? Ha ha ha. Daytime Jez is hilarious btw.