
Holy shit that’s horrific. And when the other two cops run up, they don’t try to assist in getting the dog off but instead hold down his legs? I mean, the dude is already cuffed right? So the next priority should be getting the fucking dog off his arm.

I’ve been asking about that. I mean, the cop asks her what agency she’s with nearly immediately so he knows the reason her tags came back blank, right? Why else would he have asked that?

Was it a nice car though? Everyone keeps saying this, but I think it’s a Ford Taurus, right? It’s some sort of four door Ford sedan. Not that this is a junk car by any means, but it’s not some luxury nice car that would stand out.

The side windows were too dark. The front and back weren’t.

OK So it’s legal to randomly run tags. I didn’t know that, but I knew cops did it anyway. So it’s legal, fine. Is it legal then to pull someone over if their tags come back blank? I mean, if it’s legal to have the tags come back blank (which it is in these cases where the id/address are hidden for security reasons)

Yes, CNN keeps either airing the outrageous opinions of Trump and his surrogates. It’s almost as if it’s good for ratings. It’s almost as if they care more about ratings than they do about any real news or objective facts. What a minute, it’s almost as if they don’t actually care at all about who is in power or what

Again, you aren’t reading or thinking. The scenario we are discussing (one example, one you asked for) is about someone who led a movement to end the colonial regime, as I mentioned (which means you aren’t even reading these comments). He was successful. He formed an independent government. If you need analogies to

Are you serious? Did you bother to read about that situation at all? Obviously not, so I will summarize. You tell me how a land mass of individual kingdoms that was overtaken by a colonial power that slaughtered them, mutilated them, took control of their resources, literally enacted a campaign in which they hired

Fuck off. This isn’t about you. Stop acting like a bratty child with all your faux dumb dumb crap and take some personal responsibility for yourself and your attitude towards other people in the world. No one owes you shit.

Yup you are right. Now I feel foolish for even engaging at all.

Sheesh’s first reply to you was very thoughtful. It was nuanced and thoughtful and informative. You ignored it. Perhaps you didn’t see it or you didn’t read it? That happens sometimes when a discussion board is busy. It was only after you said that you still thought- after all of that-

See? Lack of empathy. For some of us, this is real. It’s not an internet discussion game to see who is more clever. It’s real. Real people being murdered. Real people facing state violence. I understand using cynicism as a shield, but sometimes it’s hard to tell when someone is trying to protect vulnerability or

NO. You’ve misread. I made the assumption that you were not applying that empathy (that you feel for your loved ones) to the people in this case. If you were, then you might decide that Sheesh’s response was unskillful or whatever, but you certainly wouldn’t try to sarcastically and condescendingly reprimand her for

Hey, I was talking to you like a normal person, but you know what? Sheesh is right. FUCK OFF.

Now playing

I don’t know exactly what that was about. Someone else on here probably knows. He has already handed the cop something. Perhaps it was his DL or perhaps something else. There might have been something else he was reaching for. In a traffic stop there can be potentially several things you must show the cop (insurance,

Thanks, I didn’t know any of that. It makes me wonder if Doctor Donna is just a troll then. Why else would someone put so much effort into something like that and then hide it all? Or else it’s a protective response to deal with cognitive dissonance.

Nope. It sounds like you are working with limited knowledge here. There is audio of the entire thing plus dashcam footage of the whole thing but you can’t see Philando. Then Diamond starts recording after he was shot. He was absolutely not reaching for a weapon. Moreover, the weapon was still down in his pants when

I didn’t know that part of the conversation had been deleted (or rather, made unavailable to the public). I didn’t even know you can do that on Kinja and I still don’t really understand how it was done. Are you sure Dr.Donna did it though? It could be that moderators did it which is a shame because I think it’s an

I think people are going to have different response to this question but I’ll try to clarify my own. Right now in Texas, the maternal mortality rate is higher than anywhere else in the developed world. Meanwhile, the state legislature just cut funding for all women’s health clinics that receive Title X funding. It’s a

OMG it’s amazing how much confusion there is over this when it’s even explicit stated in the article. That’s just not true. OVERALL, around 42% of all illegal immigrants overstayed, meaning the other 58% came across the border without papers. That’s the majority.