
I was referring to this:

If you are really looking for an answer, then the problem is that the question you are asking is wrong. One person cannot, in a void, come in and create a nation that prospers independent of the history that created that nation and the present that intervenes. People are not gods. So I’ll avoid the obvious famous

“I never once said cis women aren’t oppressed. I said that they aren’t oppressed for being cis. You don’t seem to understand the difference.”

No. I understand you. I adamantly disagree with you and posted a million examples of how cis women are oppressed for being cis women. Your response is that they are separately

Also it’s weird that you keep saying FACT and repeating stats about averages as if anyone here were arguing with you about that? But to personally answer your question, yes I absolutely believe that it would be beneficial to have a discussion of the differences within groups of other races. I’d like there to be more

Blue Healer, I have been far more in agreement with your argument than most people here. I get what you are saying generally and I’ve agreed with you in several posts. But when you make the statement that ALL ASIANS (even specific groups that I have mentioned - Burmese refugees, one of the poorest groups of people in

I’m too tired to be angry anymore. Also I really believe that you are just being willful here. Women (gender) who can reproduce (sex organs) is the definition of cis women, with the exception of sterile women (who do still have those sex organs) but anyway, what you are refusing to acknowledge is the fact that trans

Thanks Margot for the clarification, but that’s literally what you said- that cis people had more of a choice in their gender than trans people did. I totally get that it was a misphrasing, we all do it, no problem, but it does reveal a bias, even if it is one that is the result of having been on the defensive for so

YES THEY DO. That is the whole point!! OMG! Have you read anything I’ve said?Cis women are quite literally denied basic human rights (health care, self-defense protection under the law, bodily autonomy, safety from assault, right to sexual consent) specifically because they are cis women! Seriously please read and

I did. I still don’t understand wtf you are talking about. It sounds like you think a trans person’s gender is somehow more true because they went through a period of having to consider it since it was not the default. This is like saying that being gay is somehow less of a choice as being straight or that being black

If cis women are not privileged (in your mind) for having a biology that corresponds to their gender, then wtf is the basis of their privilege in your mind? What I’m saying is that having a biological sex that corresponds to your gender is not a privilege in a society that quite literally denies basic human rights to

Let me try again. Because maybe our fundamental disagreement is larger than I realize. I was born a cis woman. My biology (which I did not choose) is female. My gender (which I did not choose) is female. I am discriminated against and subjected to violence in a larger patriarchal culture because of this fact. I am

Yet again, the red rage stops me from getting past your first few sentences. Cis people did not choose their gender any more than trans people did. This is insane.

NO I HAVE NEVER SAID THAT. Find one instance anywhere in any of this exchange when I said that cis women have never oppressed trans folk? Seriously are you reading AT ALL? What I said is that cis women are not privileged. Their (individual or organized) oppression of trans folk does not change the fact that they are

OMG please read. We are talking about violence done to women, not just murder, so unless you are going to ignore all the women who are dying in childbirth at third world rates in this country while medical care is literally denied to them by patriarchal legislation, which is a point that I have raised in every single

first off, I never said that. I don’t even know what context in which I’d say that. What I said is that cis women are not privileged to be born with the biology which our patriarchal society uses to oppress, abuse and control them. If that translates in your mind to “not all cis people’ that says more about you than

I can’t get to your point two though I tried because of my rage at point one. Please explain to me how the fuck you think that cis people chose their biology more than a trans person? Because it sounds really fucking close to you implying that since I was born with a uterus, I could’ve just chosen to be a man

You’ve shown no indication of that in your comments and I don’t know you personally.

But it doesn’t happen in higher proportions to trans people. Show me evidence of that. This is something that is repeated all the time without proof. Women are murdered by their partners, by their exes, raped by men, assaulted by men, literally every single day. If you look at violence against trans people (especially

We aren’t talking about individuals. We are talking about power structures. I’m so sick of this lack of understanding of power and oppression. Cis women could unite in a giant solidarity front and oppose trans people and it would not change the fact that men are the powerful people in this country and that they

This is fucking infuriating. Cis women in this country are literally dying at rates more than any other place in the developed fucking world and you are calling them privileged! Get the fuck over this shit. We are both oppressed, and by the same people. This is not like white people claiming ALL LIVES MATTER and