
The problem with this is the idea that cis women are privileged. This is what bothers me the most about this debate. Cis women are being persecuted right now all around the country regarding the closing of health clinics, the denial of reproductive freedom and insurance coverage of BC, the huge recent rise in domestic

BTW I’d add that the reason the token non-white part of the couple is usually the boyfriend has more to do with patriarchy IMO. There are usually more roles for men in general than for women, and as we all know, whatever discrimination women feel in general, non-white women feel more explicitly and black women feel

I think that’s the point of the article. Asian men supposedly (because this has absolutely not been the case in my personal experience) have a harder time getting any dates at all. Even gay Asian men complain about this. The stereotypes of Asian men do not (supposedly) stack up well against the stereotypes of American

I hope your definition of Asian is tongue-in-cheek because you’ve just eliminated like half the Asian population.

I bet there aren’t only women’s toilets. There are probably either toilets for both genders or one non-gendered toilet. I’ve never heard of any place that only had women’s toilets, and this wouldn’t make sense even if trans men did not exist because cis women surely have male partners, sons, brothers, friends, etc who

But see, gender identity is overwhelmingly defined by sexual politics including reproduction and biology. This has been imposed on the vast majority of us, and trying to change language so that it does not reflect this reality does feel like erasure. At the same time, I think trans people are a vulnerable minority

Yes but when it comes at the cost of telling people they must now say only “pregnant people” or eliminate the concept of women’s health or deny the reality that the vast majority of women are cis and are discriminated against based on a biology that they did not choose, then it gets tricky. I agree with what you are

Transmen can also be pregnant. So can nonbinary people who have a uterus. I have no problem including them and of course everyone should use whatever bathroom they feel comfortable using, etc.

I agree with this, but I also think it’s important for the people who actually work in these fields to have the sensitivity training and awareness to handle trans parents in a way that works for them and their families.

Where it makes me a little uncomfortable is when groups like NARAL actively avoid using female

There are a ton of hot people out there period, and most of them do not look like Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence. But this is definitely HW’s type.

Not just that, but Indians are like 2% of the population, so while I’d like to see more stories told about people from SE Asia, I wouldn’t expect a plethora. What shocks me is that women are half the population and still nowhere near half the protagonists. So while we see more stories about black men, she’s right that

Honestly do you feel this is changing? I can see changes in my own lifetime, but I can’t tell if maybe I’m just being more aware of it, as a non-black person.

Absolutely. This is a pretty accurate statement. I’d add a bit about the current environment in which any one who is Muslim or who looks like they might be is facing discrimination and targeted violence, as well as some recognition of the refugee crisis and ban which affects people almost entirely from Asia but not

Yes, but there isn’t a box that distinguishes between SEA or subcontinent and East Asian or Central Asian or Persian or Arabic, etc. Usually all of these groups are considered Asian. And sometimes the large group Asian is even combined with Pacific Islander.

This is just not a true statement. Hey it’s perfectly fine to not know something, but doubling down on something untrue just makes you seem willful and prejudiced. Burmese Americans are the largest group of refugees in the country for example. They are in poverty at higher rates than just about anyone else, including

If your answer to “why” is just “oh they can’t” then you aren’t interested in any reflection or real thought. It’s not that I don’t like your answer, I just see that it’s pointless to talk about it. You can only learn something if you are willing to accept that there is something to learn, and you clearly have your

Thing is, those aren’t demographic boxes you can tick on most US official forms.

Yeah I caught that part too. In loads of Asian countries, the local Asian people are prejudiced against people of other races. Sometimes, those people immigrate to the US.

Yes this is another really good point. Generally speaking though, she’s right, but when you start to look within the groups, you are correct. Where I live there is a huge Burmese refugee community, and they are not doing well on any of those metrics. And yes, the model minority thing is part of the stereotypes people

Asians are not more or less racist than any other group of people. This is the sort of stereotyping that Asians are talking about here.